Friday, September 28, 2012

Brit Lit:


I passed your papers back
We started collecting pieces for your portfolio

We watched A Knight's Tale

HW:  Have a good weekend

Thursday, September 27, 2012


We took a quiz on act 4.

We finally figured out why Vader has been holding a skull for the last two weeks and acted out act 5.

We discussed the possibility of trying to make a viral video for Hamlet, gundam style....

HW:  Please finish the play

Brit Lit:


We finished your symbolic representation. 

We reviewed your reading and took a quiz on it.

This Friday:  A Knight's Tale

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We each made a quiz for act 4.  You were asked to exchange these, that their quiz, and then correct it.

We reviewed the end of act 4.

HW:  Begin work on your Hamlet project.  These are due next Tuesday.

Brit Lit:


We finished working on your symbolic representations of yourself

We define characteristics of Chaucer's style

We wrote your own prologue poem

Reminder:  Please read pgs 115-120

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I assigned the Hamlet project officially.  Please see me with any questions.  These will be due: Oct. 2.

We worked on Act 4.  We tried a game called Freeze, pop!  A group performed Act 4, sc 3 and we had the ability to freeze the action and pop in a question.

HW:  Please finish act 4.  Expect a quiz Wed.  Speaking of Wed., I am late on wed if anyone needs any extra help-stop by!

Brit Lit Assignment:

Make Your Own Pilgrimage…..

Over the next week, we will be reading a collection of “tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer.

In class we will be looking at his style, and be looking at what a pilgrimage is, and why you would go on one. Duplicating a writer’s style is one of the hardest tasks that I will ask you to do. It will require close examination of the language and the way Chaucer tells the tale.

Part 1: The Prologue Poem In this section, you will write a poem to begin your piece. In your poem you must: Give yourself a title as a pilgrim

Write 4-6 Lines.

Emulate Chaucer

Part II: The Symbolic Representation Provide a hand drawn picture, a collage, or a brief descriptive piece which clearly gives a symbolic representation of who you are. Remember, symbols are common images, which are used to represent much larger things.

Part III: The Tale You will write about a pilgrimage that you have been on.

In your Tale, you must: Write 3 well written paragraphs

Write a tale that includes, Characters, a plot, a setting, a climax, and a conclusion

There is a clear lesson that you learn by the end of the tale.

Brit Lit:


I collected any late journals.

We finished your pilgrim presentations.

I gave you a quiz on last nights reading.

I defined Symbolism

We defined ourselves using symbols, as part of your Pilgrimage Assignment.

Early Canterbury Tales

Monday, September 24, 2012


Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than a new car.

Classroom doodles, not by me...

A little Christopher Walken....


Please choose one of the following projects:

Assignment #1: Hamlet: Grief Session

Directions: You are a psychiatrist and have begun counseling a new patient recently. In a 500 word, two page typed paper, please file a report on your findings. Please use specific examples from Acts 1-4 to support you end recommendations. You are required to look at all of his soliloquies and dialogue, which should be used as direct conversations given in his therapy sessions.

Please follow the following rubric:

1.) Start with an opening paragraph which needs to state your overall opinion of Hamlet’s mental state. 20 points

2.) In your body, please detail 4 examples which support your thesis.

40 points

3.) Please end with a final paragraph restating your diagnosis. Please end your report with your recommendations. 20 points

4.) Paper is typed, with proper grammar and punctuation 20 points           Assignment #2: So You Want to be a Movie Star?

Please take an act of Hamlet, and film a modern version.

Pick a scene in Acts 1-4 to perform in front of the class. You must do a full complete scene, which includes all of the key events. Before you begin, your group must make a master script which needs to be followed. Your script can be “modernized” to help you learn the lines.

Part of your grade will be on costumes. These do not have to be elaborate, but do need to show some effort. In other words, please do not wear what you would normally for school.

Your projects will be graded on the following:
Script 5 10 15
Effort 10 20 30
Costuming 5 10 15
Lines 5 10 15
Interpretation 10 20 25
Of the Scene

Final video should be 5-10 minutes long and submitted as a .mov, mp4, or DVD

Assignment #3: Graphic Novel

Take an act of the play, and convert it into a graphic novel.

Please visit for ideas and inspiration.

Your projects needs to be 20-30 animated frames

You need to completely re-tell the events of an entire act

You need a creative, colorful title.

Brit Lit:

Today:  The Canterbury Tales

The History of
Middle English vs. Modern English

I broke you into groups and asked you to do a character sketch based on a character in the story.
We presented these to the class.

HW:  Please read pgs. 88-112 in your big book (anthology)  Quiz on everything we covered today + reading Tuesday.

I collected your 1st 10 journal prompt.  These are past due- please pass in ASAP.

Word of the Week:

Redact: (ri-DAKT)  Verb tr.  To revise or edit a document for publication.