This Blog was set up as another way that I can communicate with you about my class. Check back for word of the week, daily assignments, and class notes. Please add your email to receive an email of each posting.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Brit Lit:
We started with a picture. I gave everyone a different picture and asked you to imagine what is the story behind it.
Journal prompt: A picture is worth 1,000 words. Please write 2 pages about the picture that you were given.
We recited your 10 Macbeth lines. Anyone that was not ready or absent will go Monday.
We started with a picture. I gave everyone a different picture and asked you to imagine what is the story behind it.
Journal prompt: A picture is worth 1,000 words. Please write 2 pages about the picture that you were given.
We recited your 10 Macbeth lines. Anyone that was not ready or absent will go Monday.
We started class with each of you receiving a picture. I asked you to write 1,00 words (2 pages) on what the picture is about.
I broke each row up into a different character from Twelfth Night. You had to write a love poem to the person in the play that you have feelings for. We then shared these with the row you wrote about, and I asked you to write a response. We had fun sharing these.
We started class with each of you receiving a picture. I asked you to write 1,00 words (2 pages) on what the picture is about.
I broke each row up into a different character from Twelfth Night. You had to write a love poem to the person in the play that you have feelings for. We then shared these with the row you wrote about, and I asked you to write a response. We had fun sharing these.
Comp. Lit. II
We started class reading a forward that Stephen King wrote in a new publication of the novel Lord of the Flies. We talked about inspiration and books that can reach out an grab us.
We played a Red Sox version of the game Three Strikes and You Quiz. You were able to avoid a quiz today by getting a runner home.
We looked at your examples of light and darkness in ch 1-3. We talked about how both are used in the novel.
I passed back your All My Sons essay exams. Class avg. was an 88. Great job!
We looked at an online flash game based on Lord of the Flies. You can play the rest here:
We started class reading a forward that Stephen King wrote in a new publication of the novel Lord of the Flies. We talked about inspiration and books that can reach out an grab us.
We played a Red Sox version of the game Three Strikes and You Quiz. You were able to avoid a quiz today by getting a runner home.
We looked at your examples of light and darkness in ch 1-3. We talked about how both are used in the novel.
I passed back your All My Sons essay exams. Class avg. was an 88. Great job!
We looked at an online flash game based on Lord of the Flies. You can play the rest here:
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Brit Lit:
We watched act I of the Polanski version of the play.
Journal Prompt: Please write a 1/2 page movie review of the movie. Did it capture the play? What was good, and what was poorly done?
HW: Macbeth lines are due tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow.... It is a test grade. Make it count. Watch the Sox dominate and take game 2.
We watched act I of the Polanski version of the play.
Journal Prompt: Please write a 1/2 page movie review of the movie. Did it capture the play? What was good, and what was poorly done?
HW: Macbeth lines are due tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow.... It is a test grade. Make it count. Watch the Sox dominate and take game 2.
We went down to the stage to perform your blocked scenes and tested out you stage directions.
HW: None.
We went down to the stage to perform your blocked scenes and tested out you stage directions.
HW: None.
Comp. Lit. II
We finished our debate on good vs. evil. In a close game of 8 rounds, the girl team emerged victorious and were complimented for their efforts by fresh Dunkin Donuts. Picture below.
We broke into your pre-reading activity groups and answered specific questions on your life on an island.
HW: Please read ch 3. List 5 examples of use of light/dark/shadows. Please have these ready to pass in and discuss. Watch the Sox take game 2.
We finished our debate on good vs. evil. In a close game of 8 rounds, the girl team emerged victorious and were complimented for their efforts by fresh Dunkin Donuts. Picture below.
We broke into your pre-reading activity groups and answered specific questions on your life on an island.
HW: Please read ch 3. List 5 examples of use of light/dark/shadows. Please have these ready to pass in and discuss. Watch the Sox take game 2.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Brit Lit:
We started class with a quiz on the terms that I gave you last Friday.
We continued act 2.
We converted the tomorrow X3 lines into modern English.
HW: Please study your lines for this Friday. Reminder- this is a test grade!
We started class with a quiz on the terms that I gave you last Friday.
We continued act 2.
We converted the tomorrow X3 lines into modern English.
HW: Please study your lines for this Friday. Reminder- this is a test grade!
We started class with a quiz on the comedy terms that we defined earlier in the week.
We had a discussion on the lack of stage directions left in the plays. We speculated why this is. We used A. Miller as a strong contrast to Shakespeare. Miller used stage direction excessively, while Will used almost none. We talked about how this would change the direction.
I let you pick groups between 4-5 students. You were tasked with picking any 4 pages of script from act I and write stage direction for every 30 sec. You also had to incorporate 3 examples of physical comedy.
We performed these on stage.
Each group based in their stage direction for a grade.
We started class with a quiz on the comedy terms that we defined earlier in the week.
We had a discussion on the lack of stage directions left in the plays. We speculated why this is. We used A. Miller as a strong contrast to Shakespeare. Miller used stage direction excessively, while Will used almost none. We talked about how this would change the direction.
I let you pick groups between 4-5 students. You were tasked with picking any 4 pages of script from act I and write stage direction for every 30 sec. You also had to incorporate 3 examples of physical comedy.
We performed these on stage.
Each group based in their stage direction for a grade.
Comp. Lit. II
We started class with 15 minutes to prep your debate.
We had a fierce debate that went to the last round. We ran out of time, but will finish this Thursday.
We started class with 15 minutes to prep your debate.
We had a fierce debate that went to the last round. We ran out of time, but will finish this Thursday.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Brit Lit:
We started class outlining a Shakespearian Tragedy. Specifically, we identified the final moment of suspense.
We went outside to the courtyard and enjoyed the last nice day for a long time before the weather turns. We re-enacted the death of Dunkin.
We took notes on act 1.
HW: We will have a quiz tomorrow on the language trick terms that we went over last Friday. They are also posted on the blog for your reference.
We started class outlining a Shakespearian Tragedy. Specifically, we identified the final moment of suspense.
We went outside to the courtyard and enjoyed the last nice day for a long time before the weather turns. We re-enacted the death of Dunkin.
We took notes on act 1.
HW: We will have a quiz tomorrow on the language trick terms that we went over last Friday. They are also posted on the blog for your reference.
Journal prompt: Today I asked you to daydream and write what you think about. Open up your imagination and give at least 1/2 page of thoughts.
We watched a great PBS documentary on Shakespeare's Comedies, with specific attention to Twelfth Night.
HW: Please study your comedy terms. Quiz on Wed.
Journal prompt: Today I asked you to daydream and write what you think about. Open up your imagination and give at least 1/2 page of thoughts.
We watched a great PBS documentary on Shakespeare's Comedies, with specific attention to Twelfth Night.
HW: Please study your comedy terms. Quiz on Wed.
Comp. Lit. II
We did a journal prompt based on an intro activity to Lord of the Flies. Please see me for the printed assignment.
We finished All My Sons.
We had a debate on whether people are inherently good or evil.
We reviewed Ch 1.
HW: Please read ch 2-3 in Lord of the Flies.
We did a journal prompt based on an intro activity to Lord of the Flies. Please see me for the printed assignment.
We finished All My Sons.
We had a debate on whether people are inherently good or evil.
We reviewed Ch 1.
HW: Please read ch 2-3 in Lord of the Flies.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Brit Lit:
Journal Prompt: Please describe a moment when someone convinced you to do something against your will or convictions. How did you feel after? Did you have any regrets? 1 Pg.
We watched some reversed sentence construction done by Yoda.
We worked on act II.
I gave you notes.
HW: Please study your terms. Quiz on Wed.
Journal Prompt: Please describe a moment when someone convinced you to do something against your will or convictions. How did you feel after? Did you have any regrets? 1 Pg.
We watched some reversed sentence construction done by Yoda.
We worked on act II.
I gave you notes.
HW: Please study your terms. Quiz on Wed.
Journal Prompt: What is the strangest thing that you have ever done to get someone to notice you?
1 Pg.
We performed your short skits that you worked on from Friday using 5 of the comedy terms.
We did a round of freeze, POP! You had the power to freeze the scene and place a person or object in the scene. Pictures and video above :-)
We looked at the terms that Shakespeare uses in constructing his plays. You will have a quiz on these terms this Wed.
HW: Please finish act I. Also, please find two comedy terms in act I. Please write down your examples and be ready to pass them in at the start of class.
Journal Prompt: What is the strangest thing that you have ever done to get someone to notice you?
1 Pg.
We performed your short skits that you worked on from Friday using 5 of the comedy terms.
We did a round of freeze, POP! You had the power to freeze the scene and place a person or object in the scene. Pictures and video above :-)
We looked at the terms that Shakespeare uses in constructing his plays. You will have a quiz on these terms this Wed.
HW: Please finish act I. Also, please find two comedy terms in act I. Please write down your examples and be ready to pass them in at the start of class.
Comp. Lit. II
Journal Prompt: Are people born inherently good or evil? If there were no laws at all, how would people act? Please imagine a world without any rules of consequences. What would it be like.
1 +1/2 pages
We finished watching All My Sons.
I passed out Lord of the Flies.
HW: Please read CH 1-2
Journal Prompt: Are people born inherently good or evil? If there were no laws at all, how would people act? Please imagine a world without any rules of consequences. What would it be like.
1 +1/2 pages
We finished watching All My Sons.
I passed out Lord of the Flies.
HW: Please read CH 1-2
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