Friday, December 16, 2016


Today:  You took the Othello exam.

Brit Lit.


I passed back journals #21-30.

I passed back your Macbeth exam- great job on these.  You continue to make m very proud.

We looked at the 1931 version of Frankenstein.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


I gave you a review sheet for the essays on Fridays exam.  You may outline this and use this to assist your writing. Please shoot me an email if you were not in class and want a copy:

We postponed our children's theater as we were missing many due to field trips. We will try and complete these after the test.

We finished watching Othello as review for the test.

HW: Test is still on for tomorrow.  Please review the play. Please finish any final work on converting Cintio's Tale into a children's tale.

Brit Lit.


A Block answered questions 2-7 at the end of Paradise Lost.  I counted this as a quiz.

I introduced Frankenstein.

We watched a doc on how Shelly wrote such a crazy tale at 19 in a world with no female writers.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016



We broke into your groups and finished converting the origin of Othello into a children's' story.

After lunch we presented these to the children :-)

HW:  Please finish the play.  Test Thursday- please review.

Brit Lit:


A Block completed their poet research project and presented these to the class.  After the presentations, we took a quiz on this.

We covered the poems in the anthology from these poets.

B Block: We began Paradise Lost.  After reading, please answer questions 2-7.

HW:  Read/finish/review Paradise Lost.

Feels Like Monday

Feels Like Monday is an afterschool club that meets once a week to write and film original episodes that take place in a highly fictional world.  You can find the first 4 episodes that we made this year at:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


We took a quiz on act IV

We read the first 1/2 of Cinthio's Tale- the origin story to Othello.  We discussed the many differences, specifically with the character of Iago.

HW:  Please finish story at home.

Assignment:  Please take the tale and convert it into a story meant for children.  Options suggested:

Storybook with pictures, read to class

Act out scenes from story with narration

Use the program Storyboard that to make a cartoon of the tale.

Extended HW:  Please have act 5 completed for Thursday.

Brit Lit:


As we launched into our poetry unit, we started by watching the movie that inspired me to want to teach: Dead Poets Society.

After the movie, we looked at poems that were used in the movie.