******Please make sure that you have read Three Cups of Tea. Reminder- it is worth a full credit, and well worth the time it takes to read. ******
For the next ten weeks, every Friday is "Dollar Day." I will be collecting any money you would like to donate A Block. Our school goal is to reach $12,000, which is the cost of a new school in Afghanistan or Pakistan. So- a dollar a week, for ten weeks. Think we can do it? I will be also running a special contest in our Block A class to recognize 100% participation. Let's come together and do something important and needed :-)
Brit Lit: Video Game Manual due date has changed to this Monday to accommodate Summer Reading. Please make sure you show your parent/guardian the letter that I sent home tonight. Please encourage them to call me if they have any questions or concerns.
Soph Lit: Holden Paper is due this Monday. No HW- look over Summer Reading and be ready for tomorrow! Also- please bring your dream catcher words to class. If you lost them, or were not able to come up with any last Friday, I will be providing and alternative assignment.
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