Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Brit Lit:

Pg 177: Lines 22-31 for Next Tuesday. I hope one person takes up the Cusick Challenge- be brave- it will be fun and worth the 10 extra points...

HW- Please don't forget to pass in the Shakespeare Language Trick worksheet. You should have the following defined in your notebook:
personification, metaphor, simile, classical allusion, reversed word, reversed sentence construction. Please study these terms, as they will be referenced often in our study of Macbeth.

Soph Lit: HW- Finish 1st draft of paper. Final copy due this Monday. Writing Assignment: Animal Farm, Ten Years After

Directions: Ten years have past since the last page of the novel. Original animals have died, but not all of their ideas. Describe the new farm. Have the animals come closer to creating a true communistic state? Like history, have events repeated themselves? How are the events of the 1st revolution recorded and remembered? Have facts been changed to benefit specific animals. Has greed once again contaminated the Marxist philosophy?

Also, tonight- study vocab. Quiz on your words this Thursday.

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