Monday, April 26, 2010


Directions: Throughout the course, you have met some very powerful, yet diverse characters. Most would agree that the development of these complex parts is one of the most lasting elements of his play construction. As we discussed in class, Hamlet can be performed at least 5 different ways.

1.) I would like you to step back and identify 5 of your favorite characters. In a 3-4 page script, I would like to have you work them into an original scene. The focus should be on showing each part.

2.) Start with listing all 5 parts, with a brief description of each to someone not familiar with any of the plays

3.) Next, identify a setting and scene. Please begin your play with a brief description of where the play takes place.

4.) Decide as a group the main conflict that they are facing and how it will be resolved. You are required to make these a tragedy, following the notes that I gave you on how this was crafted by Shakespeare. Your final moment of suspense needs to be clear and well defined.

5.) Last, we will make copies and perform these in class on Tuesday. You will have all of this block, and 15 minutes Tuesday to construct and rehearse.

Please select from the following plays: Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Hamlet, The 12th Night, and Othello.

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