Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Journal #12:  I played a series of 5 sounds and asked you to use them in writing a first person account of a shipwreck.  5 sounds, length will vary.

We looked at the examples of things that you found/find funny.  We used them to connect to many of the comedy terms defined today:

Comedy Terms in Shakespeare:


Verbal Irony - Occurs when the actual meaning is different from the stated meaning.



Dramatic Irony - Occurs when the reader knows something about present or future circumstances that the character in the story does not know.



Situational Irony - Occurs when the outcome of the story turns out to be different from what the audience expected.



Oxymoron - Occurs when words, terms, or expressions appear to be self-contradicting.


Juxtapositionplacing two things side-by-side for the purpose of showing comparison and/or contrast


Comic Relief - A comical element/situation that relieves the emotional tension in a story.


Malapropism - The misuse of a word.


Slapstick Comedy – Type of comedy that stresses ridiculousness and horseplay.


 Pun –  a play on words that sound the same but that have different meanings.

HW:  Please read Act I, sc 1-2



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