Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Comp. Lit. II:


We took Part I of the Lord of the Flies test.  We will be writing the essay Part II in class on Thursday and doing a peer edit on Friday.  Each part is worth 50% of your test grade.

I passed back assignments and had a conference with each of you to give you your term 3 grade.  For anyone that did not make up an assignment, I am after-school today and would be willing to make a last minute effort for anyone wishing to make up a missing assignment.

A Block:  We finished watching the modern version of Lord of the Flies.

A Block Journal Prompt:  Please write a 1/2 page movie review from the perspective of someone that has read the novel.  What were some of the differences?  Which did you like better and WHY?

C Block:  We watched 20 minutes of the original BW version of the film and compared the two film versions.

C Block Journal Prompt:  Now that you have seen two different films- cast your own.  Who would you cast for the 5 main roles in the movie and why?  Would you change the story, or keep it classic?  How would you change it?

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