Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt:  If you could pick 3 super hero type powers, what would you pick and why?  How would you use each of your powers?                       1 page

We finished the final draft of your paper and passed them in.

C Block:  We played three strikes and you quiz.  We avoided a quiz on your reading and won the night of for Beowulf.

HW:  Please take your ballad and convert it to a similar Anglo-Saxon style.  Please see pg 71 for a model.  For each line, please break two separate ideas using a caesura, or pause in the middle.  Try to limit each part to no more than 4 syllables.  You will need to take out and rewrite the story in your ballad to make this work.  Please include at least one new kenning.

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