Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Brit Lit:


We finished A Knight's Tale

We took a quiz on the characters in the Canterbury Tales

We began this assignment:

Make Your Own Pilgrimage…..


Over the next week, we will be reading a collection of “tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer.


In class we will be looking at his style, and be looking at what a pilgrimage is, and why you would go on one.  Duplicating a writer’s style is one of the hardest tasks that I will ask you to do.  It will require close examination of the language and the way Chaucer tells the tale.


Part 1:  The Prologue Poem  In this section, you will write a poem to begin your piece.  In your poem you must:              Give yourself a title as a pilgrim

                                                Write 4-6 Lines.

                                                Emulate Chaucer


Part II:  The Symbolic Representation Provide a hand drawn picture, a collage, or a brief descriptive piece which clearly gives a symbolic representation of who you are.  Remember, symbols are common images, which are used to represent much larger things.


Part III: The Tale You will write about a pilgrimage that you have been on.

In your Tale, you must:           Write 3 well written paragraphs

Write a tale that includes, Characters, a plot, a setting, a climax, and a conclusion

There is a clear lesson that you learn by the end of the tale.


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