Friday, December 18, 2015

Brit Lit


We finished The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

We listened to the Iron Maiden version and compared the lyrics

I assigned the following project.  This is due at the end of class of Monday:

Rime of the Ancient Mariner  Assignment


The Ship's Log

Every ship is supposed to have a log book, which is filled in every day by the captain. If he dies, the next senior officer fills it in (usually the First Mate). You should write a series of entries for the log of the ship in the poem. For part of the voyage, these will be written by the captain; after all the other men die, only the ancient mariner is left to fill it in.



The fantastic details in the story are well-suited to vivid illustration. You can use a series of pictures with captions underneath to turn the poem into either a storyboard for a film version, or as a comic strip. Minimum 15 frames – every frame must have a caption that is a minimum of 1 complete sentence.  If you choose this option, you MUST do the drawings yourself and you CANNOT do stick figures or oversimplified pictures.  Choose this only if you have some artistic talent.


Newspaper (and other) reports

When the ship leaves port, to the cheers of the sailors' friends and sweethearts, no-one has any idea of what is to happen; but the return of the ship, its sinking in sight of land, the strange lights seen on it, the one survivor, his strange tale and his effect on the pilot and his boy - all this adds up to a mystery any reporter would love to write about. Write either newspaper report


an official report of the naval authorities investigating the loss of the ship and all its crew bar one.


Minimum 30 sentences total.


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