Friday, February 26, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


We took a quiz on CH 7-9

We broke into two groups and completed the following assignment:

Catcher:  The Debate

During this class, I will be breaking you into two groups to debate the following:


Side One:  Books, movies, and music can be dangerous.  Some of these should be disallowed in school and outright banned in extreme cases.

Side 2: Freedom of expression is an important part of any democracy.  Books, music and movies are ideas.  We should never ban expressions of creativity.


Directions:  Please break into two groups and assign the following parts:


Captain:  You will read your opening statement expressing your main point to prove.  This will be very similar to the thesis of a paper.  You will pick the order of your team to make your top 4 points.


Thinkers (4):  You will direct the 4 examples that your team uses.


Scribe:  You will write the main thesis of your group and record the four examples to prove your point.


Debate team:  You will carefully listen to the argument from the other side and attempt to counter their argument.



Main Statement:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Example 1:______________________________________________________________________


Example 2:______________________________________________________________________


Example 3:______________________________________________________________________


Example 4:______________________________________________________________________


We will begin with each side giving their opening.  Then we will go back in forth.  Each team will present their example, and the other side will have the opportunity to counter their argument with their own examples.


Each round will be awarded a winner.



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