Friday, September 12, 2008

Word O' the Week

Boodge [Booj] : A box or container on the back of a carriage used to carry swords.

Note: Some of the words have been hard to use in context. This word was selected to work well with our discussions this week- so use it often for extra credit.


Brit Lit: Make sure you finish your game manual- due in class this Monday. Please email me if you run into a problem with the assignment.

Soph Lit: Nice Holden book covers today. But I think that most of you proved that art might not be your strong point :-) Remember next week, try and remember to bring in a solo song that has lost its mate... Holden papers will be due Tuesday (so you get an extra day)

Have a great weekend Tantasqua!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


******Please make sure that you have read Three Cups of Tea. Reminder- it is worth a full credit, and well worth the time it takes to read. ******

For the next ten weeks, every Friday is "Dollar Day." I will be collecting any money you would like to donate A Block. Our school goal is to reach $12,000, which is the cost of a new school in Afghanistan or Pakistan. So- a dollar a week, for ten weeks. Think we can do it? I will be also running a special contest in our Block A class to recognize 100% participation. Let's come together and do something important and needed :-)

Brit Lit: Video Game Manual due date has changed to this Monday to accommodate Summer Reading. Please make sure you show your parent/guardian the letter that I sent home tonight. Please encourage them to call me if they have any questions or concerns.

Soph Lit: Holden Paper is due this Monday. No HW- look over Summer Reading and be ready for tomorrow! Also- please bring your dream catcher words to class. If you lost them, or were not able to come up with any last Friday, I will be providing and alternative assignment.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Soph Lit: Make sure you see me if you did not have enough time today in the lab and were not able to finish typing your Holden paper. Here is the assignment, FYI:


Directions: Write a narrative essay about an incident that happened to you this year in school, and do so from Holden's point of view.

To start, think about an incident that remains especially vivid in your mind; choosing such a memory will make the writing a bit easier.

Next, write the incident using Holden's style and his philosophy of life.

Please include the following:

Holden's Style
addressing the reader directly
expressions such as "It really did," "I swear," "It's true. It really is," "If you really want to know the truth," and "I'm not kidding" to emphasis a point
frequent use of the expression "...and all"
an ambivalent* tone of both sadness and humor

Holden's Philosophy
disliking phonies
confusion about girls and sex
feeling isolated
sad about Allie's death
loves his sister
at moments very depressed, lonesome, and almost suicidal

A length of 2-3 double-spaced typed pages (or 5-7 double-spaced handwritten pages) would be appropriate for this assignment.

*"Ambivalent" means "the co-existence of two conflicting
feelings about a person, object, or idea," and "tone" means
"the feeling or mood suggested within the word choice of a
specific passage of writing."

Brit Lit Assignment- Due Monday 9.15.08

Brit Lit:
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:
the Video Game

Assignment: You work for a small indie video game company, and have just purchased the publishing right for a new video game based on the story. Please design a manual that will explain how the game is played. You will be graded on the following rubrics:

1.) A cover that has the title and cover art. 10 points

2.) Weapons page. Detailing at least 5 weapons that you have researched from the 14th century. Please include a picture and detailed 3 sent description for each.
20 Points

3.) Intro page, which summarizes the story.
20 Points

4.) 10 Levels. For each, please title and give a 5-10 sentence description of the objective. 30 Points

5.) End boss picture or description, including the one weakness.
20 Points.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It was very nice to be nominated for teacher of the week. It humbled me to receive attention. Being new, I continue to be amazed at how nice and sincere everyone is at Tantasqua. You are all very lucky to attend such a great school. I am honored to have become a part of it! Thanks :-)

Brit Lit: I will have a rubrics for your "Design a video game manual for the Green Knight video game." We will go over the assignment in class. If we have time, we will finish Excalibur. Please review all of your notes up to this point. To review: Look at the Hero's Journey, Alliteration, Kennings, and the notes that I gave today on the Green Knight. I will try and schedule 1/2 a class to allow you time to research your game manual project.

Soph Lit: We have a vocab Quiz tomorrow. Bonus question: What is this from: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps upon this petty place....
Please finish your Holden 1st draft. I will look to have conferences with each of you in the lab while you work. I am sorry that we ran out of time on your timelines today. How ironic. I will give you some time to finish them on Thursday. and...what is that I smell? A pop quiz on your reading.....mmmmm...the smell of fresh copied quizzes.....Make sure that you read!

Go Red Sox...1st place is just around the corner....

Monday, September 8, 2008

Word O' the Week:

Antapology [ant-uh-pah-luh-jee]: A reply to an apology.

Please use this as often as you can this week for extra credit and exciting door prizes.


Brit Lit:
Block A- you have the night off. I will get everyone the same copy of the anthology for Tuesday. Review your notes on Gothic Lit that I gave today in class.

Block B- Now that we all have the same versions, this should be easy....Please read pgs 69-79. You may take notes in it helps you. Quiz Tuesday. Please also review the notes on Gothis Lit

We will be reading in the dark on Tuesday.

Soph: Please define vocab words. Make sure you read Ch 6-9 in Catcher. Also, please continue to work on your rough draft of your Holden Paper. I have us signed up for the lab on Wed., so make sure you have all of your 1st draft writting finished. Our vocab quiz will be on Wed. of this week, to allow you Wed and Thursday night to look over your Summer Reading.

Reminder: Summer Reading- this Fri., Sept. 12th. Make sure you read!