Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bit Lit:


Journal Prompt #8:  Is chivalry dead?  If not, please explain what parts still exist.  If it has died- why?  1/2 page

We had a quiz on your reading.

We took notes on Folk Ballads.

We looked at:  Sir Patrick Spens, Get Up and Bar the Door.

HW:  Please bring in the lyrics to a modern folk ballad.  Please try to make sure that it tells a story.  You can write them out- so no printer problems.  If you don't have it when you walk in, it is a zero.

Comp. Lit. II:

Journal #9:  What is the greatest lie that you have ever told?  1/2 page

We looked at the top banned novels.

We discussed ch 1 as well as any reactions from home to you reading this.

We watched the first 1/2 of the Salinger movie.  You had to write 20 things that you learned from the movie.  I collected this and counted it as a quiz.

I collected your symbolism worksheets.

HW:  Please read ch 2-3 in Catcher.  Quiz on Thursday/Friday.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Favorite Salinger Photo

Brit Lit:


You had the first 30 minutes to finish your Hero's Journey paper.  Your final draft is due wed.

I introduced Morte d'Arthur

We defined:
Folk Ballads

HW:  Please finish the story (pgs 65-74)

Comp. Lit. II:


We took the All My Sons Test

I collected your scripts.
I passed out copies of our next novel.

A Block:  I collected your symbolism HW
C Block:  I assigned this for tonight.

HW:  Please ask an adult about their experience with the next novel, The Catcher in the Rye.  Did they like it?  Were they allowed to read it?  Did it have any impact on them?  Please come ready to share these stories on Wed.

Please read Ch1

Monday, February 10, 2014

Brit Lit:


I passed back your first two quizzes.  Please see me to make these up this Wed. afterschool.

We shared our drafts and did a peer edit of their paper offering meaningful and directed feedback based on the peer edit form that I gave you.

I gave you a sheet of transitional words.  I three-holed-punched it hoping that some of you will keep this for college.  Transitional words can instantly improve and elevate your writing.  Please use this sheet throughout my course.

We went to the lab to finish your first draft of your Hero's Journey paper.

Comp. Lit. II:

Journal Prompt #8:
What if Larry was sill alive after act 3?  Please write a brief one page 4th act called Larry's Return.  The premise, Larry comes home in the middle of a neighborhood cookout.   1 page

We reviewed for the all essay exam Tuesday.  The questions for review were posted on the blog Friday if you need them.

We broke into small groups and looked at symbolism in the play.  I asked you to generate 10 examples of simple objects that represent a bigger idea.  Please finish these for HW.

I passed back the work that we have done thus far and gave you portfolio folders in which to store your meaningful assignments.  These stay in class, but you are always welcome to take them home overnight.  Please just do not forget them.  At the end of the term we will be reflecting on these in a formal assignment.