Friday, September 16, 2016


Journal #7:  Please cast the play with modern actors.  Foe each selection, please give your detailed reasoning.

We finished act 1 and took a quiz.

I collected your term example sheet from earlier in the week.

After lunch we played a Hamlet puzzle game on the ipads.

Brit Lit:


Journal #7:  As we wrap up the Hero's Journey this week, I would like to end with you making your own.  Follow the stages that we went over and write an original story.     2 pages min.

We took your paper from google docs and submitted it to via the ipads.

I gave you each a peer review sheet and each of you completed a sheet of feedback.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Download Attachment
Available until Oct 15, 2016


To recite, or not to recite.  Each of you had the chance to recite your lines.  -10 if you were called but were not ready.

We looked at:  198 Hamlet references in pop culture in under 15 minutes....

We came close to finishing act 1. 

Quiz anytime at the end of the act- so be ready.

Brit Lit:


Journal:  What is the most difficult decision that you have had to make?  Please describe the entire situation.   1/2-1 page

A Block helped me update the ipads.

We watched some introductory videos on how to use

We went to the lab to finish your drafts.

Friday we will be doing a peer edit with the ipads and then submitting your final draft.  Please be ready to do this if you did not finish your main writing in class.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016




Journal #5:  Hitler once said that if you tell the same lie often enough, it becomes the truth.  What is the greatest lie that you have ever told?  Why did you lie and what was the outcome?  Would you do it the same way again?                                                                                                   1/2 page

We paired up with a partner and conducted interviews based on many of the themes and topics of the play.  We shared your opinions.

We looked at a comical version of the lines you must learn: To snooze or not to snooze.

We continued acting out act 1

I assigned the Cusick challenge to those brave enough.

HW:  10 lines due Thursday.  -10 each day not ready.  Test grade- so shine.

Brit Lit:


No journal

We finished your outline for your paper and used it to complete the 5 paragraph template to assist you in writing your paper.

A block went to the computer lab and began work on their paper.
B Block had a senior assembly.  You will also have Thursday to write your paper.

HW:  Log in to Google Docs and continue to work on your first draft.

Monday, September 12, 2016


Journal #4:  Please describe the worst break up.  This could be from your history, or from one that you witnessed.  These can be fictional.                                                          1/2 page

We looked at the special effects that Shakespeare's writing.  Sort of his CGI....but with language.

We watched a clip of Yoda demonstrating reverse thoughts.  Guess where George Lucas got the idea....

We continued Act 1, sc2

We broke into small groups and found examples of these tricks in the play thus far.

HW:  Lines due Thursday.  This is a test grade, so make it count!

Brit Lit:


Journal #4:  Please write from Grendel's point of view describing why he kills and what was the battle with Beowulf like.  Please use I and write from his perspective- including his feelings.  1 pg.

We finished Beowulf

You each wrote the thesis for your paper and we went around the room and shared these.

We will be writing the 1st draft in class Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please make sure you have your outline done and have a clean, clear thesis ready to go.