Friday, December 5, 2008

Are You Ready for Some Football?

I am at a loss- Boston College plays in the ACC championship on Saturday, while at the same time, our own football team plays in the central Mass Super Bowl.  What is a pigskin loving teacher to do?  Good luck to our football team!  Regardless of the outcome, you have made our school very proud of your season.


Brit Lit:  This week we explored poetry.  Please have your Paradise Lost translations ready for Monday.

Soph Lit:  Over the next 10 days, you will be making a video of A Midsummer Nights Dream. You can modernize, and change the script- have fun with the possibilities- A Mob boss for King, a High School Musical love triangle, Darth Vader as Oberon….Chewbacca as the lion….anything school appropriate goes…


You will be graded on the following rubric:

A script is passed in with video………………………………..20 points

Characters in video followed script…………………………….20 points

At least 5 minutes in duration (one act)…………………………20 points

Effort (costumes, production value, general effort in video)……40 points

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Brit Lit: Remember to write your sonnets tonight. 14 lines- iambic pentameter; Begin in delight, end in greatness. Remember- the only one who needs to understand and enjoy it is YOU. Make it meaningful and share a part of you on paper. IMMORTALITY!

Soph Lit: I have just passed back everything that I had- some things did not have names, so please be responsible to check to see if you have anything missing. I also gave out grades (as of this week.) So- if any parent or guardian is reading this- ask them how they are doing in English tonight :-) I am working on making up the video assignment now- I will explain in class Wed.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I hope that you had a good break, and had a chance to spend some good quality time with those around you.

A big congrats to the football team in their win romp domination over my former school. UNDEFEATED!

Brit Lit:
Tomorrow we start a week of poetry. I am going to bring in some things that I wrote when I was 16 for you to make fun of- but it will allow me to prove my point about poetry and immortality.....

Make sure that you have your big "fat" books...

Soph Lit:
Today in class you did AMSND in 32 seconds. Forcing the play into a small box made you realize the key important facts. That sound is Shakespeare rolling in his grave....

Word O' the Week

Kench [kentch]:
To laugh too loudly.