Friday, October 18, 2013

Brit Lit:


We started class watching a part of a recent PBS documentary following Ethan Hawke and his quest to understand the mind and part of Macbeth.

We defined terms:

  1. Personification:

  1. Metaphor:

  1. Simile:

  1. Reverse thought:

  1. Reverse Sentence:

  1. Reverse word:
We continued Act 1.



We started class reading a recent article suggesting that Shakespeare possible added his talent to other plays.  We debated the merit of this.

I passed back your grief papers.

We went over the comedy terms that are often used by Shakespeare.  I used A Midsummer Nights Dream examples.  Please begin to study the terms for a quiz next Wed.

I asked you to break into small groups and show 5 of the comic terms in action.

We performed these.

Comp. Lit. II:

We took the test on All My Sons.

I collected your books.

On Monday we will begin Lord of the Flies.  Have a good weekend!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Please remind your parent or guardian that parent teacher conferences are between 6-8 tonight.  Please encourage them to come out.  If they have any concerns and are unable to make it, please remind them that I am happy to speak with them at another time.

Brit Lit:


We watched the battle scene in Braveheart to illustrate what Macbeth has faced in battle as the play begins.

We acted out Act 1 sc 3.

We defined:
Suspension of disbelief.

After lunch I broke you into 5 groups and had you put together a short skit outlining some of the future themes of the play.

I passed back you papers.


Journal prompt:  Please describe a moment when you presented a false image of yourself.  Why did you do this and what was the direct result?    1pg.

We reviewed act 1 sc 1-2. 
We acted out scene 3

HW:  Finish sc 3-4.  Expect a quiz on comedy notes and sc 1-4.

Comp. Lit. II


We finished the play.

I gave you the essay questions on the test.  You may use one page of notes to outline your thoughts.

We watched the film version as a review.

HW;  Study for the essay questions.  Test is on Friday.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Brit Lit:

We started class with the Shakespeare insults that you did yesterday.  Even if you do not understand the words, if you know the emotion, you can figure out the meaning.

I gave you notes on the Globe theater

We began Macbeth act 1.


Journal #12:  I played a series of 5 sounds and asked you to use them in writing a first person account of a shipwreck.  5 sounds, length will vary.

We looked at the examples of things that you found/find funny.  We used them to connect to many of the comedy terms defined today:

Comedy Terms in Shakespeare:


Verbal Irony - Occurs when the actual meaning is different from the stated meaning.



Dramatic Irony - Occurs when the reader knows something about present or future circumstances that the character in the story does not know.



Situational Irony - Occurs when the outcome of the story turns out to be different from what the audience expected.



Oxymoron - Occurs when words, terms, or expressions appear to be self-contradicting.


Juxtapositionplacing two things side-by-side for the purpose of showing comparison and/or contrast


Comic Relief - A comical element/situation that relieves the emotional tension in a story.


Malapropism - The misuse of a word.


Slapstick Comedy – Type of comedy that stresses ridiculousness and horseplay.


 Pun –  a play on words that sound the same but that have different meanings.

HW:  Please read Act I, sc 1-2



Lit. Comp. II


Journal prompt #12:  If you could go back in time and change three things, what would you change?  What would be the direct and indirect result of this change?          1pg

We finished Great Expectations and talked about your impression of the story.

We read/acted out act III.  We will be finishing the play Thursday and taking a test on it this Friday.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brit Lit:

Journal #11:
Please describe your experience with reading/acting Shakespeare.  What did you enjoy?  What did you hate?  1/2 page.

I introduced you to Shakespeare.

We ended looking at the most popular insults in his plays.  I paired each of you up and we read an insult to the other person.

HW:  No formal HW during our time with Macbeth.  We will be doing to play entirely in class.


I collected your Grief papers.

I collected your Hamlet text.

I passed out our next play- The Twelfth Night
HW:  Please list 5 things in life that make you laugh.  Please feel free to bring in visuals.

Lit. Comp. II


Journal Prompt #11:  Please describe a moment when you covered up a mistake.  Did it make it better, or worse?  1 Page.

We finished Great Expectations and talked about the play on Thursday.

We started act III

We will be finishing the play this week and will be having a test on All My Sons this Friday.