Friday, March 4, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:

Journal #14:  In 2016, what things in your mind are phony?  Think of people, social media and life in gen.    Please focus on 5 specifics.   1 pg

We took a quiz on ch 9-10

I collected your close reading of the short story "I'm Crazy."

We took a quick look of the places in the novel and their real locations in NYC.

Pictures tell 1,000 words:  Using Google Slides and the ipads, I asked you to find one picture for each of the first 10 ch's.  We will complete this on Monday.

Brit Lit:


Journal #13:  Please describe a time that you did not give up.  What was the outcome    1pg.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:  We took a quiz on the story in A Block.

We began the outline for your Video Game Manual.  C Block went to the Lib and researched 14th c weaponry.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Follow Holden

Comp. Lit. II:

Journal #13:  You are Holden's Dr.  Please write a one pg letter explaining what is wrong with him.

You act the scene:  I broke you into small groups and tasked you with converting a scene into a script.  We then performed these in front of the class.

HW:  Read 11+12+13

Brit Lit:


Journal #12:  If you could have dinner with 3 people, alive or dead, who you pick?  Please describe the conversation.        CPA= 1 pg   H= 1 1/2 pg

We defined Medieval Romance.

We played the review game:  Three Strikes and you Quiz.  You avoided the quiz and won the game.

I gave you the rubrics for the video game manual project.

I gave you an outline for the project and we completed the first part in class.

HW:  Begin work on project.  Due next Friday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal 12:  Holden says that he is the most terrific liar.  Please describe the greatest lie that you ever told.     CP/CPA= 1/2 pg       H= 1 page.

We read the first page of the short story "I'm Crazy."  This was an early short version of CH 1 of Catcher (and very hard to find :-)) 

I broke you into groups of 3.  Each group did a close reading of 5 ch's and charted Holden's positive and negative thoughts.

HW:  Please finish the short story.  Using a highlights the similarities in the novel.

Brit Lit:

I passed back your journals.  Reminder 10 = a paper grade- so make these count.  I grade these on effort.

Journal #11:  Promises.  Please describe a promise that you kept and one that was broken.  1 pg

We finished the Knight's Tale.

C Block HW:  Read Sir Gawain and the Green knight.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


I passed back your journals.

Journal #11:  Please write a letter to Holden offering him advice on 3 specific problems.  CP/CPA 1/2 page   H = one page

Holden's Playlist:  We used the ipads to put together a playlist for Holden.  Please print these from home tonight and pass in.

HW:  Read CH 12+13+14  Quiz on reading Wed.

Brit Lit:

Today:  We watched A Knights Tale.

I collected any left over pilgrimages.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


We finished the Salinger Doc.

We took a quiz on it.

We finished the debate on censorship.

HW:  Please read ch 10, 11,12.

  Also:  Think about music that Holden might listen to.  On Tuesday, you will be making a 10 song playlist for Holden.

Brit Lit.:


We went to the computer lab an finished part III of your pilgrimage assignment.  You combined all three parts and passed this in on an oversized piece of paper.