Friday, December 7, 2012


We presented your sonnet media projects today.  If you were absent, we will finish them on Monday.

The last 10 minutes we played a game of Othello.

Brit Lit:


We exchanged names for our class secret Santa.
We looked at foot and meter.
We practiced this with da,dum,da,dum,da,dum...

We diagrammed the poetry of Donne and Keats.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I asked for an update on your stickie post it notes.  How did it go?

We looked at modern sonnets.

We did an activity that I call pass the poem.  We started two poems: one on love, one on hate, and passed them around and had each person contribute a line of verse following the rules of a Shakespearean Sonnet.  I will post these soon.  They were both well done.

We looked at the origin of the sonnet- Italian style.  We defined the differences and talked about lasting images in poems.

HW:  Please bring in your favorite printed lyrics.  These do not need to be your fav song- but rather lyrics that are meaningful to you.  We will be making these into a sonnet on wed.  I will also continue to look to getting you into a lab to work on your sonnet media project.

Brit Lit:


A Block:  We went to the computer lab to finish your paper.  Please see me if you did not get to finish. 

C Block:
We finished the movie.
We read the selected poems by Ben Johnson.

HW:  Please bring in a copy of your favorite lyrics.  Not your favorite song- but words to a song that hold meaning to you.