Friday, March 2, 2012

Brit Lit:

C Block:

No computers available till Tuesday. We will be writing our final drafts then. Sorry- it is the best that I can do...

I broke you into small groups and asked you to make a character sketch of the pilgrim that you were assigned today.

I assigned the Pilgrimage assignment, and we worked on the first 2 parts.

D Block: A Knight's Tale



We broke into small groups and blocked a scene with full stage directions.

We went down and tried to perform these on stage.

HW: Hamlet paper is due Monday.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brit Lit:

We read The Canterbury Tales.

We began talking about your pilgrimage paper:
Make Your Own Pilgrimage…..

Over the next week, we will be reading a collection of “tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer.

In class we will be looking at his style, and be looking at what a pilgrimage is, and why you would go on one. Duplicating a writer’s style is one of the hardest tasks that I will ask you to do. It will require close examination of the language and the way Chaucer tells the tale.

Part 1: The Prologue Poem In this section, you will write a poem to begin your piece. In your poem you must: Give yourself a title as a pilgrim
Write 4-6 Lines.
Emulate Chaucer

Part II: The Symbolic Representation Provide a hand drawn picture, a collage, or a brief descriptive piece which clearly gives a symbolic representation of who you are. Remember, symbols are common images, which are used to represent much larger things.

Part III: The Tale You will write about a pilgrimage that you have been on.
In your Tale, you must: Write 3 well written paragraphs
Write a tale that includes, Characters, a plot, a setting, a climax, and a conclusion
There is a clear lesson that you learn by the end of the tale.

Due Date:_________



We started class looking at blocking and stage direction. We discussed three different stage directions for Ophelia in 4.5

We looked at the missing words in Act 4, sc 1.

We discussed the importance of movement on stage.

I broke you into teams of 4 and had you block a scene, using the abriviations that we covered.

We went down to the stage and tried performing these with your notes.

Brit Lit:

Hear Middle English spoken here (MP3):

Better than my version in class.... :-(

Canterbury Tales Music Video for Brit Lit

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brit Lit:

Today in class:  We finished looking at how the story Beowulf fits the Hero's quest.  Journal Prompt:  Explain how the story follows the hero's quest.

We began Canterbury Tales.



Journal Prompt:  Make a Facebook page for one of the main characters in the play.  20 posts.  Be creative.

We took Quiz #3 on act 3.

We had a "book talk" on the events of act 3.

I assigned your Hamlet Grief Paper (due Friday):
Hamlet: Grief Session

Directions: You are a psychiatrist and have begun counseling a new patient recently. In a 250 word, one page typed paper, please file a report on your findings. Please use specific examples from Acts 1-4 to support you end recommendations. You are required to look at all of his soliloquies and dialogue, which should be used as direct conversations given in his therapy sessions.
Please follow the following rubric:

1.) Start with an opening paragraph which needs to state your overall opinion of Hamlet’s mental state. 20 points

2.) In your body, please detail 4 examples which support your thesis.

40 points

3.) Please end with a final paragraph restating your diagnosis. Please end your report with your recommendations. 20 points

4.) Paper is typed, with proper grammar and punctuation 20 points

Monday, February 27, 2012

Brit Lit:


We watched Beowulf the movie and I asked you to complete the following journal prompt:

Please examine 10 examples that show the story Beowulf follows the hero's quest. Please be detailed in your explanation of events.

World of Shakespeare:

We watched some of the Mel Gibson version of the play. We had a good class discussion on whether Hamlet is crazy, or faking it for attention. We talked about the Mel Gibson portrayal of Hamlet.

We went over the 7 stages of grief. I broke you into groups of 4 and asked you to give a line that relates to each of the stages.

I gave anyone that has not recited their lines the opportunity to complete the assignment during the last 5 min.

HW: Please read/finish act 3. Expect a quiz Tuesday.

Word O' the Week:

Nonet: (no-net) Noun. A combination of 9 instruments or voices.