Friday, December 23, 2011

Today in class:

Today we:

Read the poem Twas The Night Before Christmas. We looked at the end rhyme, and I asked you to follow it with:

Twas the Day before school vacation, and all through the school.... Best one posted below....

We recorded an audio version of the poem as a class on the iPhone. I am still trying to post them...

We shared the spirit of giving with our class version of secret Santa. Thank you to those that participated.

Pictures below....

Wishing you all a restful break with your friends and family. I will see you in the new year....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Today in class:

We took the poetry exam.

We looked at the meter of Twas The Night Before Christmas and analyzed the structure and language from a non- religious point of view and discussed the impact the poem has had.

Reminder: Secret Santa tomorrow....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Today in class:

Journal #31:

Some in education would still agree that Mr. Keating should be responsible for Neil's death. What were your thoughts watching the movie? What is the point of education? What are the dangers in teaching to "think for yourself?"

We finished defining our poetry terms. Today we looked at and defined: Alliteration, End Rhyme, and repetition.

I gave you a study sheet for the poetry test Thursday.

HW: Please study the terms.
Secret Santa all this week. Please continue to bring in:-)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Today in class:

We finished Dead Poets Society. I hope that it inspired you, as much as it did me at 18.

I passed back a huge pile of assignments, as well as your journals. I gave everyone their progress report grades, so that there are no surprises. A reminder: I am after-school Wed. night if anyone needs to make up work, or needs extra help.

We will be finishing our look at Brit Lit. Poetry Wed. Please have your notebooks, as we will be taking the last of our notes before the test Thursday.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Today in class:

We took a quiz on meter. This will be the last grade before progress reports. Please see me asap if you are missing any work.

We did part 2 of the Dream Catching assignment: Take 20 words or images that you collected from your dream and work them into an original poem.


The alternative assignment: Cut out 20 words from the newspaper and work them into an original poem.

A + B Block completed their pocket 17th century poem and placed them on our holiday shrub.

How many days till break?

Have a great weekend Tantasqua....

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A + B + D Block


We discussed end rhyme.
We diagrammed and read poems by John Donne and John Keats.
We completed a worksheet on diagramming the three poems looking end rhyme, foot, and meter.

We wrote an original poem following the suggested end rhyme:
ABABCCDD. We talked about beginning in delight, and ending in wisdom.

HW: Please study for the quiz on feet and meter. Quiz Friday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today in class:

A + B Block:

I started class with a short video:

We did iambic skits: Entire conversations in iambic pentameter. Some video of that below...

We read some poems by Ben Jonson (Still to Be Neat, On My First Son, Song: To Celia).

We looked at your 17th century winter themed poems that you brought in for HW.

D Block:

We made an offering to the snow Gods for a snow day by offering snowflakes in the classroom windows.
We also made pocket poems, and placed them on the holiday shrub in our classroom.

We completed iambic skits.

We watched:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Today in class:

We did a round of Pass the poem: starting a poem and passing it around, each contributing a verse.

We defined Meter and looked at specific types. You will have a quiz this Friday on these terms.

We looked at select poems from the anthology.

HW: Please find a poem from the 17th century that has Winter as a central theme
Write an original poem on the same topic.

Please bring your dream catching sheets to class on Wed.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Today in class

Dream Catching

We did a writing assignment where I tried to get you to write with your unconscious mind.

Hold onto what you collected, but resist the urge to read them. We will be looking at them on Monday and using your words and thoughts like paint to write some amazing poetry.

Much like a dream, your thoughts will have faded, but you will instantly remember some of the images.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

D Block:


We had sign-ups for our class secret Santa. If you were absent and still would like to participate, let me know Friday.

We talked about any experiences that you had sharing your poem from Tuesday.

Donne, Dun, Dun, Dun......we looked at the poetry of Donne.

We tried writing from the other side of the emotional spectrum: hate/anger/hurt/death.

We ended class with a little exercise that I call pass the poem. We started 10 original poems and passed them around allowing each of you to contribute a verse.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We started our look at 17thc poetry. Many of you shared a poem on a stool with a mic. I hope that some of you felt a connection to the poem that you selected.

It was neat to see that most of you got mildly into it.

Please make sure that you all look over the intro pages on the historical thoughts that were conflicting when these poems were written.

D Block- Did you share your poem? If so, tell us in class. I would love to hear about any stories.

Poetry can capture emotion like a fly in amber.

Monday, December 5, 2011


We finished act 5. Macbeth Video projects are due Tuesday. Those that plan on taking the test instead should be prepared to do so tomorrow.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Today in class:

Today was production day for your Macbeth video project.

I extended the due date to Tuesday to allow you an extra day to edit your projects as needed.

Please be reminded that this is a test grade- so make it count. Please review the grading rubrics that I gave you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I broke you into groups of 4 and had you read out loud act 4.3.

I defined the 7 (or 5) stages of grief.

I broke you back into your groups and asked you to analyze Macduff's response to the news that his family has savagely been killed. I asked you to do so from the perspective of the stages of grief.

I gave you the last 15 minutes to organize and plan for you Macbeth Video production day on Friday. A reminder:

You need: Costumes, a camera, props, and a typed finished script.

If you would rather do this on your own time, please make sure that you bring something to class to stay productive. My expectations are that you will use the time given towards your projects.

These remain due this Monday. Make them great!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Journal #30:

"A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night."
Marilyn Vos Sauant

Describe in a page something that has kept you awake.

I assigned the Macbeth video assignment.

You broke into groups and produced a script for your selected scene.

B and D block took a quiz on act 3-4.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Good read...

Today in class:

Journal #29:

If you could change any 5 things at Tantasqua, what would you change and WHY?

What are the three best things about our school?

The Stew:
We looked at the crazy ingredients in the new stew made for Macbeth at the start of act 4. I had you list the 15 worst ingredients.

I then had you make your own gross stew. What would be your 15 super gross ingredients (pg-13)?

We continued with Act 4. We will finish the play by the end of the week.

Word O' the Week:

Nide: (nyde) Noun. A nest or a group of pheasants.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

today in class

Journal prompt #28:

A picture is worth a 1,000 words. I gave you a unique picture and asked you to tell the story that you saw in the photo.

Macbeth movie.

Have a wonderful break. Despite the difficult weather this year, we all have so much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Journal #27:

Please write a 1/2 page in your journal on:
What could be the final moment of suspense in Macbeth as we start Act 4?

A picture is worth 1,000 words: For HW, please bring in an unusual picture that tells a unique story. We will be exchanging these and using them as the basis for your journal writing prompt Wed.

We caught up on the Polanski ver. of Macbeth.

We defined the final moment of suspense in Macbeth and discussed whether it gives you the feeling that everything is going to be ok.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Feels Like Monday

Feels Like Monday, season 2, episode 19 is out:

I would love to get your feedback.

Today in class:

Journal Prompt #26:

Write a 2 page short story titled: A Simple Mistake.

We finished act 3 and caught up on our notes.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Today in class:

We did journal prompt #23: If you had to change three things in your community, what would you change and why?

1 page

We broke into 2 groups and read Act 3 sc 4. I then had you block the scene, with the use of costumes and fake blood for the ghost of Banquo. Hopefully, I will post some videos, so check back....

Have a great weekend. Remember, extra credit for anyone that goes to support Beauty and the Beast this weekend. Just bring in your ticket stub and I will replace your lowest quiz term 2.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today in class:

We started with a essay prompt from UPENN:
What is the best advice that you have ever received. Why? Did you follow it?
I suggested that one way of answering this would be to answer it from bad advice that you did not take. Answering the question like this will show the college that you have the ability to think differently and show intelligence in doing so.
1/2 page
Next, we did Act 1-2, and the start of 3 in 32 seconds. For extra credit, I gave you the option of doing it in 32 sec without words or props. Hopefully this helped review what has happened so far. I will post video tonight....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today in class, I showed you the 2010 Patrick Stewart version of Macbeth for the first part of class. The 2nd part, I tasked you with the idea that you were a film critic for the Boston Globe.

Your task was to write a one page review on this new film version. This counts as Journal #23. 1 page.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

Had I the heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
William Butler Yeats

Today in class

Journal prompt #22:

You've just written a 300 page autobio. Send us page 217 College essay prompt, UPENN

1 page.

We continued to talk about strategies in picking topics and how to answer them. For this one, I suggested that you start in the middle of a story, without explaining the beginning. You can do a similar twist at the end. This makes it 10 times more interesting.

Remember- they want to see that you have the ability to write well, and to learn a bit about you and how you think. This is a great prompt that allows for all of this.

We finished act 2 and talked about the climax at the start of Act 3.

We moved the class outside and acted out the Banquo murder scene. I posted a video bellow from B Block:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Word O' the Week:

Welkin (welkin): Noun. The vault of heaven, firmament, the sky.


Five Jello flavors that flopped:

Celery, coffee, cola, apple, and chocolate.


Today in class:

Journal prompt #21:

Select a creative work -- a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting or other work of art -- that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the work and its effect on you. (New York University)

This week, we will have a new college essay prompt each day. We will also be spending some time looking at what makes a strong essay.

We finished acting Act 2, sc3. I broke you into small groups and had you translate the sc in a modern adaptation.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Today in class:

A bit overdue due to the missed week, I told my Irish Ghost story from my time teaching there.

I hope I was able to show you a bit of the oral tradition that is storytelling. More importantly, I hope that you enjoyed class. Remember, the oral tradition is meant to be shared- so tell a friend next time that you find yourself around a warm fire....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today in class:

We watched Act 1 in the Polanski ver. of Macbeth up to the death of Duncan.

We caught up on notes.

I gave you a short quiz on Act 2.

Last call for anyone that has yet to do their lines...

Thursday in class we are going to revisit the oral tradition with my overdue Halloween ghost story that happened the year that I taught in Ireland. I am looking forward to it :-)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Today in class:

We went over examples from the Shakespeare terms covered. At this point, you should all have solid examples in your notes.

We acted Act 2, sc 1-2.

We took a short quiz.

We enacted Duncan's death.

Anyone needing to still recite your lines: last call on Wed.

I am also after-school Wed night if anyone needs make-up work or extra help with the play.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A + B Block

This morning:

I funneled your nervous returning energy into the following:

I asked you each to write and share a page detailing a part of your experience this week. We shared many of these and realized that we all share so much in common- including our collective experiences.

We reviewed your notes on the Shakespeare terms. I broke you into small groups and asked you to find examples of each and share them with the class. We decided on the best examples and recorded them in your notes. You can use this if asked on future assignments.

A Block: I extended the time that you have to memorize the 10 lines from Macbeth. These are now due this Wed. A reminder: this is a test grade- so make it count!

Word O' the Week:

Redact: [ri-dakt]: Verb. To revise or edit a document for publication.


It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Today in class:

We defined:

Reverse thought
Reverse Sentence
Reversed Word
Classical Allusion
Suspension of Disbelief

We looked at how these are all used in the play Macbeth. These are all very important in helping you understand Shakespeare.

We watched 5 minutes of The Empire Strikes Back; specifically looking at how the character Yoda speaks using reverse thoughts and sentences. Much like Shakespeare, this gives the audience the feeling of mystical coolness. It is hard to do, and most view it as impressive. In HS, it tends just to frustrate you.


B Block: read their 10 learned lines.
A Block: were assigned this- due Wed.
D Block: make up today for those not ready or absent.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A + B + D:


We defined:
Reversed Word
Suspension of disbelief

We finished Act 1, sc5. We took a quiz on The reading and notes that I have given you.

D Block read their Macbeth 10 lines.

A + B these remain due this Friday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Word O' the Week:

Admix: [ad-mix] Verb: To add or mix something.


All animals can be tamed, but the crocodile.

A +B + D

We looked at the lines:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

I asked you to convert the lines to modern English. What is being said?

Some of you selected a challenge...convert the lines in a stylized way: Sci-fi, a western, gangster glam, etc...

Many of you were selected to read your This I believe statement in front of the school today. Thank you for representing a great idea, and our class..

Reminder: You need to memorize the above lines (or your choice for D Block). This will count as a test grade.

This I believe....

Monday, October 24, 2011