Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Brit Lit:

Day 1 of 2 computer time.

Today we completed our research on 14-15th c weapons.  You also completed your weapon page for your video game manual.

You typed your one pg summery of the story.

A Block- I passed back your journals and other assignments.

Here is the assignment as a whole:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: the Video Game

Assignment: You work for a small indie video game company, and have just purchased the publishing rights for a new video game based on the story. Please design a manual that will explain how the game is played. You will be graded on the following rubrics:

1.) A cover that has the title of your game and cover art for the game.

10 points

2.) Weapons page. Detailing at least 5 weapons that you have researched from the 14th century. Please include a picture and detailed 3 sent description for each.  These need to be in your own words.
20 Points

3.) Intro page, which summarizes the entire story.  250 words min.
20 Points

4.) 10 Levels. For each, please do the following:

Create a title for the level

Give a 5-10 sentence description of the objective of the level.

30 Points

5.) End boss

Include a detailed picture or description, including the one weakness that allows you to destroy the boss and win the game.
20 Points.





Due Date:______________

Full Text

Monday, March 9, 2015

Brit Lit:


A Block:

We selected one of your 3 pilgrims and I asked you to write a one page story that they might have told on their pilgrimage.  I collected these.

We shared these and guessed at which pilgrim would have told the tale.

We watched two more of the C. Tales from the BBC

HW Read the Pardoner's Tale

C Block:

We took notes on Chaucer

We broke into small groups and each looked at the characterization of 3 pilgrims.
Each group presented these.
You all took notes.  These can be used on the Quiz.

HW Read the Pardoner's Tale.