Friday, November 2, 2012


We reviewed act 4, sc1. 

We acted out act 4, sc 2 with the aid of a tivo remote.  I had you each pause the action and suggest a new motivation for the lines in the scene.

Please have the play read by Tuesday.  We will have a test on the play next wed.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Brit Lit:


A Block went to the lib. to research information to prepare for our debate with Mr. Metz's class on Tuesday.  Please continue to research your position over the weekend.

We reviewed act 2 and began act 3.  Block C also took a quiz on act 2.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday:  I shared my Irish ghost story.

Today:  We had a guest teacher from Sweden share with our class a collection of videos that her students made.

We had the opportunity to ask her questions about the differences between our two countries. 

We agreed to work on a few collaborative projects with the classes from Sweden.

Please be ready for the quiz on act 4, sc 1.

Brit Lit:


Welcome back.  I am sorry for the lack of updates.  I have been without power.


I told my ghost story from my time teaching there.  Happy Halloween!


We finished Act 2.
I informed people that are still missing assignments.  The term closes Friday, but I will accept them through this Monday.

We took notes on act 2.

Last call for those that still needed to recite their Macbeth lines.