Friday, October 9, 2015

Shakespeare Class: Silent Hamlet

Pinky Fights



We started class by sharing your Hamlet pop culture references.

We acted out Act IV, scene 5

We went outside and did:
Pinky sword fights
Different styles of newscasts detailing the events of Act IV. 
Enjoyed the fleeting moments of nice weather.  Winter is coming...

HW:  Have a restful long weekend.

Brit Lit:


We went to the lab and wrote your pilgrimage writing assignment.

We watch two more examples of stories from the Canterbury Tales

You passed in all three parts of the assignment: Prologue Poem, Symbolism sheet, Pilgrimage story.

HW:  Enjoy the leaves and your 4 day weekend.  Tuesday we start the Scottish play.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


We went over the basics of blocking and stage direction.

You broke into groups and blocked two pages of act 4.

We watched various clips of Hamlet in pop culture.

HW:  Please find an obscure Hamlet reference and present this to class Thursday.  Dig deep....

Brit Lit:


We reviewed the Pardoner's Tale

We took a quiz on your reading

We finished your symbolism sheet

We defined Chaucer's style:  end rhyme, direct statements, short and to the point. Direct characterization.

We began work on your prologue poem and character title.

HW:  Have an idea for the pilgrimage writing assignment.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hamlet Grief Paper:

Assignment #1: Hamlet: Grief Session


Directions:  You are a psychiatrist and have begun counseling a new patient recently.  In a 500 word min., two- three page typed paper, please file a report on your findings.  Please use specific examples from Acts 1-4 to support you end recommendations.  You are required to look at all of his soliloquies and dialogue, which should be used as direct conversations given in his therapy sessions.


Please follow the following rubric:


1.)  Start with an opening paragraph which needs to state your overall opinion of Hamlet’s mental state.                                                                           20 points


2.)  In your body, please detail textual examples which support your thesis.   

40 points


3.)  Please end with a final paragraph restating your diagnosis.  Please end your report with your recommendations.                                                                        20 points


4.)  Paper is typed, with proper grammar and punctuation                 20 points                                                        



We picked a character from Hamlet and made a fake Facebook page for them.

I answered paper questions.  Just to recap:  Submit to  Use code and password to join.  Please also have your grief examples ready to pass in.  Bonus question can be included in your paper at the end.

We watched an example of revered sentences here:

What would it sound if not reversed?

We did an assignment to change the order of simple sentences and talked about how Shakespeare continues to do this.

Brit Lit:


We finished A Knight's Tale

We took a quiz on the characters in the Canterbury Tales

We began this assignment:

Make Your Own Pilgrimage…..


Over the next week, we will be reading a collection of “tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer.


In class we will be looking at his style, and be looking at what a pilgrimage is, and why you would go on one.  Duplicating a writer’s style is one of the hardest tasks that I will ask you to do.  It will require close examination of the language and the way Chaucer tells the tale.


Part 1:  The Prologue Poem  In this section, you will write a poem to begin your piece.  In your poem you must:              Give yourself a title as a pilgrim

                                                Write 4-6 Lines.

                                                Emulate Chaucer


Part II:  The Symbolic Representation Provide a hand drawn picture, a collage, or a brief descriptive piece which clearly gives a symbolic representation of who you are.  Remember, symbols are common images, which are used to represent much larger things.


Part III: The Tale You will write about a pilgrimage that you have been on.

In your Tale, you must:           Write 3 well written paragraphs

Write a tale that includes, Characters, a plot, a setting, a climax, and a conclusion

There is a clear lesson that you learn by the end of the tale.