Friday, January 15, 2016



We took the Othello Exam

HW:  Please begin to outline your response on the final questions for next week.

Brit Lit:

We reviewed the characteristics of:

Medieval Characteristics:

s  Idealizes Chivalry (Code of Chivalry – hero-knights abided by this code)

s  Idealizes the noble hero-knight and his daring deeds

s  Women are idealized and held in high regard by hero-knight

s  Imaginative, vast, fairytale like setting

s  Mystery and supernatural elements abound

s  Repetition of the magical numbers 3 and 7

s  Tale involves a quest for love and/or adventure by hero-knight

s  Simple, predictable, inevitable plot

Gothic Characteristics:

1.  Setting. It's not quite a castle, but it is a huge mansion with several levels, including a basement and a hidden sub-basement. Dark and drafty. Ominous.

2.  Atmosphere of Mystery. It's a multiple murder mystery, with cryptic notes, hidden passageways, wind, lightning, and everyone a suspect.

3.  Ancient Prophecy. There is the Musgrave Ritual. Obscure, compelling, ancient.

4.  Omens and portents. The crow at the tavern, the intrusive lightning strike, the taunting notes from the butler.

5.  Supernatural or inexplicable events. How the victims died. The lightning seems to strike at just the right time. 

6.  Overwrought emotion. The female lead screams and panics a bit.

7. Women in distress and 8. Women threatened by a male. Toned down here, but the murderer had designs on the heroine.

9. The wind blows, signs bang into the wall, lightning, a few characters are trapped in various ways.


Victorian Period


 1. Literature of this age tends to come closer to daily life which reflects its practical problems and interests. It becomes a powerful instrument for human progress. Socially & economically, Industrialism was on the rise and various reform movements like emancipation, child labor, women’s rights, and evolution.

2. Moral Purpose: The Victorian literature seems to deviate from "art for art's sake" and asserts its moral purpose. Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle, Ruskin - all were the teachers of England with the faith in their moral message to instruct the world.

3. Idealism: It is often considered as an age of doubt and pessimism. The influence of science is felt here. The whole age seems to be caught in the conception of man in relation to the universe with the idea of evolution.

4. Though, the age is characterized as practical and materialistic, most of the writers exalt a purely ideal life. It is an idealistic age where the great ideals like truth, justice, love, brotherhood are emphasized by poets, essayists and novelists of the age.

We did Sound Effect Stories:
Listen to each of the sound effects that I played and use your imagination to work it into what happens next in your story.  For each you must use 8 of the 10 played sounds.

#1  Medieval
#2 Gothic
#3 Victorian

We shared these.

HW:  Please make sure parts 1-4 of your final  are completed in a Google doc.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Brit Lit:


We finished Wuthering Heights

We had a class discussion on how the two Bronte stories fit the mold of Victorian fiction.

B Block read: Orwell's Shooting an Elephent


Wednesday, January 13, 2016



We finished Othello.

We exchanged Quizlet's and took another groups review quiz.

We broke into groups after lunch and examined Othello's destruction in detail.

Thursday we will have a review for the test. Friday will be the Othello test.

Brit Lit:


We watched Wuthering Heights

We reviewed the characteristics of Victorian fiction, and discussed how both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights follow this.

We worked on revising and reflecting on an assignment.  At this point, you should have completed parts 1-4 of the final portfolio in Google Docs.  Part 5 is an essay that will be written in class during the exam day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Download Attachment
Available until Feb 11, 2016

Brit Lit:


We learned about the life of Emily Bronte on pg 910.

I had you read Wuthering Heights  and answer questions 1-6 on pg 921.

I collected these and will count them as a quiz

We passed out the ipads and worked on question #4 Letter to yourself.

At this point, you should have had time to complete 1,3 and possibly 4.

Monday, January 11, 2016



We finished act IV

We took a quiz on act IV

The Abuse of Desdemona:  I asked you to find a line that Othello use to abuse Desdemona.  We circled around the room and every time you ran into another student you needed to say the line in a different way.  How did saying this awful things make you feel?

We started act V.

Brit Lit:

We finished Jane Eyre.

We defined the characteristics of Victorian fiction.

We completed part 3 of your final portfolio, writing a letter to future students taking this class.

Reminder:  we will be working on parts of the portfolio in class in a single Google doc.  After today, you should have parts 1 and 3 completed.  If not, please finish these for HW.