Friday, September 19, 2008


Parents/Guardians: It was very nice to meet those of you that came out last night. I hope that you find the blog useful in helping your student in my course. Please feel free to contact me at any time during the course with any questions or concerns.

Brit Lit: Block A: I had some fun up my sleeve this am- but you needed socks. Please try to remember to have a spare sock for Monday...... If any of you did not pass in your paper assignment this morning: Today we talked about pilgrimages. In the Canterbury Tales, they are on a religious pilgrimage. This morning, we went to the computer lab and wrote about your own pilgrimage. In one page (250 words) please describe a modern day pilgrimage that had an impact on who you are. Please describe the journey, what you discovered about yourself, and whether it lived up to your expectations.

Only 4 of you passed in your HW from last night. Please use the weekend to finish, and make sure that you have it on Monday morning.

Don't forget your socks- we will need them for Macbeth....

Block B: I loved your sock folk this am- I can still see Sarah looking at her sock and admiring it with a big smile all class. She may have puppets in her future..... I was disappointed with HW. Please take advantage of the extra time and pass it in on Monday....

Soph Lit: Holden theatre went well today. What most of you did not realize was that we were learning, in the midst of having fun. What a great way to review..... Speaking of review....we will have a game this Monday, with your test on Tuesday. This will be your first significant grade- so make sure that you look over your notes, as well as the novel this weekend.

Also, on Monday I will be collecting you 1st Draft (with peer edits), your checklist (signed by a peer), and your final copy. Please staple them together, with your final copy on top. Hopefully, this is already done and you can enjoy your weekend without the though of my class....

Have a great, safe, weekend.
I am staying after today to watch the Tantasqua Field Hockey Team beat Shepherd Hill. Good luck to all the sport teams, music kids, and cheerleaders this weekend!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Parent Contact Information

Mr. Cusick:

Courses: Brit Lit, Soph Lit, and Shakespeare.

Room 3115


Phone: (508) 347-9301, ext 1563


Late Day: Every Tuesday night. and by student request.


I hope that you encourage your parents/guardians to come out tonight. Please remind them that open house if from 6:30- 8:30.

Brit Lit. Please finish Canterbury Tales, and answer question 1-8 at the end. I will be collecting them and grading them. Please try and remember to bring in a sock. No sock= no puppets= no fun on Friday :-(

Soph: Please complete your Holden checklist, making sure that your paper has as many of the requirements as possible. If you can check off all of them, you are looking at an A paper. Final draft is due this Monday. You will need to submit the following: 1st Draft, which needs to be peer edited, Checklist, and final copy.

Remember your socks, and that Beau should not ever bet in class :-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I would love to try and catch some of your games after school- esp. vs. Shepherd Hill. If you have any home games, let me know and I will try and pop in :-)

Brit Lit: Make sure you bring in socks for sock puppet theater Canterbury style. Vocab Quiz Thursday. Make sure you study. I will be using the first def. from Be thinking about what address that you would like to mail your future letter to. We will be addressing them in class Thursday. HW: Please read the rest of the character introductions in Canterbury Tales.

Soph Lit: Please finish Catcher tonight. We will review on Friday, and have a test on Monday. Remember your socks. If the Catch a Body folk song is stuck in your head- I am sorry.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Brit Lit: Please have all your vocab defined by Wed. I will be checking off those who did it. Please review your notes, and make sure you are up to date. I am planning a surprise open notebook quiz to reward those of you that have been playing along and taking notes.

Soph Lit: HW Please read to CH 22. Please expect a quiz. In class on Wed., we will be analyzing Holden's behavior. Please be thinking of questions that you might ask Holden, as well as his responses.

If you have anyone around that grew up in the 1950's, share the story that we read in class. I would be interested in hearing about any reactions.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Brit Lit Vocab:

Please define the following words for Wed.

1. Solicitous
2. Garnished
3. Preferment
4. Screeds
5. Sanguine
6. Avouches
7. Whelks
8. Prevarication

Quiz this Thursday

New Reality TV Show

Brit Lit: Imagine that you and 30 others are on an 8 mile pilgrimage. Your companions are from all walks of life, and have been selected for their bigger than life persona's. The only thing in common is their desire to make the trip. The TV producers have promised $10,000 for reaching the goal. What would they do to pass the time? Please describe the interaction between the group. To make it interesting, they are not allowed to have any form of technology- no ipods, tv, radios, cell phones... Describe the interaction between this odd group that has seemingly nothing in common.