Friday, June 2, 2017


Congrats on your graduation from HS!  I will be at graduation cheering you all on.  Come over and say hi and grab a picture.

Very proud of you all and can't wait to see all of the incredible things that you will certainly accomplish.....



Journal:  Humor is very subjective.  What things do you find funny?  What it the funniest thing that ever happened to you?                                                       1/2 pg

I gave you 10 comedy terms and an ipad.  You have 30 min to find a video example showing that you understood the term.

We shared these and your comedy HW.

Brit Lit.


We broke into your peer editing groups and finished completing your peer edit question/rubric.  Reminder:  you will be graded on each that you completed as part of your paper grade 30%

We went to the computer lab and took those changes and incorporated them into your stories.

I moved the due date to Monday.  

You need both a copy of your story and must submit it via

On Monday we will read these in the dark......

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Journal:  Describe a time when you pretended to be something that you are not.  What was the reaction?

We finished our Sonnet 7 point crowns.  Pictures to follow.

I introduced the play and we went over the main parts.  You were each given a specific part.  Please look ahead at your lines before each class.

HW:  Please read act 1 sc1.  Also, bring in the funniest thing that you know.  These can be videos, stories, jokes, pictures, events.  Please be school appropriate.....

Brit Lit:


Journal #35:  Please list and describe in detail the allusions that you are planning on using in your story.

We listened to Someday We'll Know by the New Radicals and identified the 8 allusions in the song.

We broke into small groups and explained the 5 examples that I gave you.

You each did a peer edit using the checklist/questions provided.  These are worth 10 points each as part of the story assignment.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Journal:  Many of the truths that we cling to are often false.  Imagine three things that are considered to be true, but are actually false.   1/2 pg

Tuesday and Wed we speculated that maybe WS did not write all of his plays.  We watched the movie Anonymous.

King's Sonnet assignment:  For the last 30 min, I asked you to make a 7 point crown and for each point write the 7 that you had to make for HW.  We decorated these and passed them in.

Brit Lit.

Yesterday and today:  We went to the computer lab to write your ghost story.  Here is the assignment if you were abs:
Brit Lit:  Ghost Stories

Ghost stories continue to hold our attention.  They are easy to write, can be based on semi-factual information, and most people go into them wanting to be scared.  We will be writing original ghost/scary stories in class this week.

The story should be as original as possible. It may include your own personal experiences or experiences from someone you know. It must have at least 5 allusions, which you will note (highlighting, annotations, etc.) in your final
draft. You will also write a brief paragraph on the Allusions Reference Page explaining each allusion and stating the reason for using it in your piece. Be sure to correlate the allusion in the text to the explanation on the reference
page--a simple superscript number or something similar will suffice.

Remember, the story need not be scary, just supernatural. You can tell a funny story, a sad story, an adventure story, etc. Find something that fits your style and run with it! The required length is 4 pages. See the rubric for further
formatting instructions.

Drafts of your paper are due on the date below. We will do an in-class peer review on that day where you will work with one of your classmates. They will assess your paper based on the attached rubric, as I will do once you turn in your final revision. Your final revision is due on the date listed below.

1st draft due Thursday.
Final Friday.
Peer edit on Thursday- so make sure you have a copy printed and ready to go....