Thursday, October 9, 2014


Comp. Lit. II:


Journal:  Please write a one page letter to Holden.  Try to offer advice on his situation.  Please ref. 3 events in the novel in your letter.

Quiz on ch 18-21

You Make the Test:  In small groups, construct what you think would be a fair test.  Please have 10 mult. choice questions, 20 T/F and one essay.

HW:  Please read ch 24-26.  Have the book finished for Tuesday.
Test on Wed.



I played a few Hamlet related clips from previous classes.

We went down on the stage and warmed up with:

Pass the Yorick Skull to the left hand side
Pinky sword fighting- showing weight by pretending that your pinky is a 30 lbs sword.

We broke into 4 groups and you were tasked with putting together your act as a silent movie.  Video to follow...

Reminders:  Please finish the play at home over your 4 day weekend.  Your Hamlet paper is also due on Tuesday.  10 points off per late day- so get it done and have it ready.  If you run into any problems or have questions, feel free to use my email:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal 15:  Please define yourself in 5 ways.  I gave you various mags and asked you to cut out 5 symbols that can be used to represent these things.  For each picture, I asked you on the back to explain how the symbol is used.

We watched a short video on symbolism.  This can be viewed here:

We also defined theme.  I gave you notes on theses from Catcher.  We went over: Isolation, Sadness, and Innocence.

We played three strikes and you quiz.  We avoided a quiz today.

We reviewed ch 18-20.

We looked for 7 examples of Holden's depression and I asked you to chart these on a worksheet.  If you did not finish, this is for HW.

HW:  Please read CH 21,22,23.



We looked at some of the words and phrases that are credited to WS.  Imagine if you made up words and they were still used 400 years after.  Crazy.

Journal prompt #15:  Use 15 of the words or phrases that WS invented in a short story.  Underline each of these.  Also, please invent 3 of your own words and use them in the correct context.  Please circle these three words.                                                                                            1 page

We watched the 2nd part of the PBS documentary on Hamlet.  This can be viewed for free here:

We came super close to finishing act IV.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Comp. Lit. II:

Journal Prompt:  Where do you go when you need a break from life?  A place that disconnects you from the world and feel safe.  Please describe this in exceptional details: Use smell, taste, sound, touch, and sight.  Be as descriptive as you can be.  Think about every sense around you. 1/2 page

Titles in the Rye:  The novel does not have title names.  Why?  Please make a title for ch 1-17 and a 1-2 sent explain why you named it this.

Quiz CH 16-17

What makes Holden depressed?  We charted these.
7 examples.

HW:  Read to up to including ch 20.


Journal:  What are the ten must do things on your life bucket list?  Please list them.

We played Shakespeare monkey on my back.  One of you was the monkey(reader of text) while the other person acted out the lines.  Picture to follow...

Hamlet on Social Media:  Pick one of the following: Facebook, instagram, twitter, my space and make a page for any character in the play.  Req= 10 posts.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Comp. Lit. II


Journal Prompt:  What does you love/hate about HS or education in general?  Make a list of 10 for each.

We broke into groups and made a moral timeline for Holden's thoughts.  We shared the best.

We looked at the origin of the title.  I did a Catcher in the Rye Rap.  If you want to hear the original song, you can find a midi track here:

We defined symbolism and took notes on the popular symbols in the novel.

HW:  Please look for a symbol and read ch 16-17.  Expect a quiz.



Journal:  Art often imitates life.  Please think about how art (music, plays, books, ,etc) can imitate the real world.  Can art give us real experiences?  Emotions?  Pain?                                    1 page

We covered act 4 sc 1-4.

I answered any questions on your upcoming paper.  Due to no school on Friday, this will now be due on Tuesday (next week)