Thursday, May 1, 2014

Brit. Lit:


Journal prompt:  Please devise a made up character that co-exists with other characters in 1984.  Please write a secret diary for this character that revels their thoughts on the events in the novel so far.     1 page

We looked at all of the new terms in the novel and I gave you a sheet explaining these.  Please use this as a resource for you as you read.

I gave you copies on today's WSJ.  I asked you to find an article and re-write it using newspeak.

We discussed language and why is it important to have description.

I showed you the 1984 Apple commercial:

HW:  Please read to pg 81.

Comp. Lit. II:


I gave you notes on the Russian Revolution.  Please study these for a future quiz.

We wrote down def. for the 10 vocab words.  Matching quiz on Friday.

A Block:
We watched the Orwell doc. and began to answer questions from the quiz that are tied to it.  We will finish the last 10 minutes on Friday.

C Block:
Journal prompt:  Create a made up animal and write a journal from their perspective.  How did they view Old Major's meeting?  What are your thoughts on the farm and Mr. Jones?
H= 1 page,   CPA/CP 1/2 page.

We broke into small groups and created your Utopia or perfect society.

HW:  Study vocab.  B block read CH 2-3.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brit. Lit:


I collected the poems that were due today.

We discussed your reading (pgs 1-37) from last night.

We watched a doc on Orwell and took a quiz on the video.

We looked at some of the ways that we are being spied on and talked about the 4th amendment.

HW:  Please read to pg 63.

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal Prompt:  Please write your own fable.  As a reminder from our discussion, these need to be/have:

Short (1/2 page)
Must use animals as characters.
Must state moral or lesson at the end.
Pictures if time.

We watched the final 10 minutes of Dead Poets Society

C Block:We watched a documentary on Orwell and took a quiz on that information
Read Ch 1 for HW

A Block:  HW read CH 2-3 and study vocab words.

Both classes will have a quiz on your reading Thursday.

Monday, April 28, 2014

All Classes:

Journal Prompt (all classes):
What did you do over vacation?  If you did "nothing" please describe the nothingness in fine detail.                                                                                                              1 page

Brit Lit:  We completed looking at your unconscious thoughts and took 15 words generated before vacation and used your conscious brain to but them in the right order and structure a poem around them.

I passed back your Macbeth Projects.

I passed out our next novel, 1984.  If you are at the prom assembly Tuesday, please have read pgs 1-37 for Wed.

I gave you all a copy of the morning paper and asked you to cut out 25 words, with a focus on three examples of alliteration and build a headline poem off these words.


Please complete and print out.

Comp. Lit. II:
We finished DPS
We each received a free copy of the WSJ
We created headline poems using 25 of the words in an original poem.