Thursday, November 19, 2009

World of Shakespeare:

Today in class: On pg 101, I asked you to remix and reverse the Othello and Desdemona lines and see how it would change the scene. Video to follow if anything is blog worthy...

Brit Lit:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow we will have out Exam for Macbeth. End in greatness.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Block Needs more food...

World of Shakespeare:

Today in class I asked you to create 20 questions from acts 1-3 in Othello. We used these playing a review game, and took a quiz after lunch. Please remember that just because I am not assigning you HW each night, does not mean that you have nothing to do. Please look over the play and have any questions ready for class.

Brit Lit:

Today in class we played a review game "Who wants to win a Pizza Party" to prep for you Macbeth Test this Friday. After the review, I went over the essay of the test and we talked about how to answer it. You are allowed to use all of your OWN notes during the test- so please make sure that you have everything.

Thou Vader Villian...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Brit Lit:

A Block: Today in class, we discussed grades, updated our notes, read the first 2 scenes in Act 5, and ventured outside for the last 10 minutes to recreate the Birnham wood scene. Please see below video on how "the Forrest moves."

B Block: Today in class we went to the computer lab and worked on your Macbeth Parody paper. I passed out a writing rubric, and answered questions on parody.

Both A & B: We will be finishing the play in both classes by this Wed. I plan on having a review game Wed. or Thurs. and the Macbeth exam this Friday. You are reminded that you may use all of your notes on the test- so please make sure you are up-to-date by then.

Those that have been out sick: If any of you that have missed school due to illness and need additional time to catch up with class, please know that you have it. I can also stay after any day if you need specific help.

Don't look now, but the forrest moved....