Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soph Lit:

Today: We continued with our writing prompt which is asking you to focus your writing on a specific them. Today I asked you to make a poem that is based on joy/happiness. I defined Alliteration and Theme in your notes. We watched 3 further examples of the America's Favorite Poem Project. We cut out 25 words to be used in your Headline poem assignment. I further outlined the timetable for your video poem projects and answered any questions. HW: Please write the intro (5 sent) section on who you are. We will record these Wed. in class.

Brit Lit:

Today: Mr. Tynan gave the 1984 exam. Please have your books for collection Wed. Macbeth is next.

World of Shakespeare:

Yesterday: We acted Act 3, sc 2/3. We continued to look at what might be the climax of the play/act 3. We disscussed the use of tone and inflection to change the meaning of Iago's lines. I asked you to find and share 3 examples. We started class writing from the percpective of chacter. Yesterday we wrote from the percpective of Desdemona. Today: We began with a writing prompt from Iago. We looked deeper into his mind and discussed what makes a great villian. We finished Act 3 and had a quick quiz. I clarified the Othello Projects and answered any specific questions.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Soph Lit:

Today: We looked at some of the poems in Dead Poets Society and talked about some of the issues raised in the film. I assigned the America's Favorite Poem Project. Over the next week and a 1/2 we will be working collectively as a class to each make a chapter in a video on our favorite poems. Please see me for the assignment sheet. HW: Read over the Headline Poem assignment. Please bring in a few old magazines that you can cut up.

Brit Lit:

Today: We reviewed for your 1984 exam Tuesday. We will play the last 2 questions before the test tomorrow- so get you game face on!