Friday, March 18, 2016

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Available until Apr 17, 2016

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Is murder ever justified?  If so, when?  If not, why?    1/2 page

We finished act I

We re-enacted the murder of King Duncan, using ipads, light sabers and fake blood.  I told you this was going to be fun.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


I collected Catcher in the Rye

We took a test on the novel.

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Write a letter from Macbeth to Lady Macbeth explaining to her all of the recent events.  1 pg

We looked for examples of Paradox and equivocation in act 1

C Block began notes on act 1

A block acted out in costume act 1 sc3-6

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


We presented your slide show on the topic you had.

We played a review game for your test:  You won 80's Day!!!!

You broke back into your groups and finished you 20 mult choice review questions.

HW:  Test Thursday!  You may outline essays and use on test.

Brit Lit:


Journal #18:  The agony of defeat.  Please describe a moment when you found yourself defeated.  What was the end result?      1 page

We finished Shakespeare in Love

I collected the 10 things that you learned from the movie

C Block:  act 1 sc3-4

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Brit Lit:

Sorry that I needed to be out today.  It did give me time to finish reading your awesome papers.  Please log in to Turnitin and let me know if there are any issues viewing grades or marks.

Great job on those :-)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal:  Earlier I asked you to look at Holden's issues.  Now that we are almost finished with the novel, I would like you to revisit this.  Please write a one pg medical diagnosis looking at 5 issues that Holden seems to have, citing examples from the text.

Day 3 of MCAS boot camp

We broke into small groups and researched the topic given.

HW:  Please finish the book.  Test Wed.

Brit. Lit.:


Journal:  If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?  What would be the result of these wishes.    1pg

We acted out Act 1,sc2-3

We took a quiz on act 1 + notes.

We looked at the first 15 min of the ex PBS doc, Shakespeare Uncovered (sorry, no link, but available on Amazon.)

C Block Defined: