Friday, January 25, 2013



We began with journal prompt #2:

Select a character from CH in Shakespeare Alive! and detail in one page what a day in the life would be like for one of the people living during this time period.  Please include details that show that you read the HW.

We finished Shakespeare insults.

We went to the Aud. for some acting games.

Have a great weekend.

Brit Lit:

Journal Prompt #2:

Who is your hero and why?  What makes a modern hero?  Why do we need them?  1 page

We looked at the influence on the Angles and Saxons on early stories.  We further detailed the oral tradition, but also looked at how Christianity worked into the earliest stories songs and poems.

We identified Fear of Fate as a common theme in early tales, and looked at how this is used in The Seafarer.

We watched some of the documentary, Finding Joe.  This will lead us towards your first major writing assignment next week.  We also will be looking at the excerpt fro Beowulf early next week.

Have a great weekend...

Brit Lit:

Here is a link to the trailer to the documentary that we looked at today:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shakespeare Insult Generator


Today in class...

Journal Prompt #1:  Please describe your experience with:  Reading Shakespeare, acting, and how well you do in school.  1 page.

You were each given a line of verse from a different play.  We tried showing how emotion can change the meaning.

I broke you into small groups and asked you to but the lines in the correct order.

I went over the insults and bad words that Shakespeare used.  We paired up and yelled insults at each other.

We viewed a 10 minute documentary explaining why Shakespeare remains important.

HW:  Please read CH 1-2 in Shakespeare Alive!  Please select a character from your reading that you will choose to be for Friday.  We will be exploring the stage and using the character you select in some short acting exercises.  Please also wear comfortable attire, as we will be romping and rolling....

Brit Lit:

Today in class....

Journal Prompt #1:  Write a creation story that explains the following:  Why the sun and moon exist.  Why do we have seasons?  Explain life and death.  I gave you 10-15 min to write these.  Please continue to bring your journals to class everyday.

We took notes on the oral tradition and looked at where story telling came from. 

We played a game passing around a story to illustrate how drastically these changed upon re-telling. 

HW:  Please read the Seafarer in your Anthologies.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



We went over an outline of the class.
I passed out Shakespeare Alive! and assigned CH 1-2 for Friday.  Expect a quiz...

I enjoyed meeting you all.  I am greatly looking forward to class- it should be a good one!

Brit Lit:


Today I introduced myself and the objectives of the course. 

I assigned anthology books, and placed you in assigned seats and asked you each to share something about yourself. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013