Friday, May 7, 2010

Soph Lit:

Yesterday we started Catcher in the Rye. We discussed the history of the book. Specifically, we looked at the life of J D Salinger. I assigned Ch 1-3 for HW Thursday night.

Today we had a quiz on Ch 1-3. We broke into two groups and debated whether the book should be banned.

I passed out his obituary and we looked deeper into his life.

Sorry for the light posts this week- I am struggling with the additional class and am doing my best to keep up. I appreciate your understanding :-)

World of Shakespeare:

A Block: We finished our Shakespeare Remix scenes.

B Block: We are performing act 3. Each group has a scene, which I am hoping that we will perform on Monday.

Be safe this weekend- and have a great time at prom!