Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Othello Still

Brit. Lit.:


We went to the computer lab to work on your Macbeth paper.  I have extended the due date to Monday. 

HW:  Have a wonderful break.  Spend quality time with those you love and eat till you can't see straight.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Brit Lit:

Sir Patrick Stewart discusses playing Macbeth:



We defined a herald.

Journal:  Please write a herald announcing something school related to the class.   1/2 page

We each went around the room and announced your herald to the class.

We acted out act 2 sc2.

We took a mannequin shot of a scene from the party.  In your still shot, you needed to show each character and make their traits recognizable.  You shared these to:

Brit. Lit.:


We looked at the similarity and differences between the two modern versions of Macbeth and the original.

We completed the outline that I gave you.

I assigned a short paper that we will complete before break.  You have today and tomorrow as work days.

HW:  Complete outline/rewatch movie/begin paper