Thursday, September 20, 2012

World of Shakespeare:

Journal prompt #9: Music, like writing and film, can connect us as human beings. If you had to select one album to listen to over and over, as your only music source for the rest of your life, what would you select and why? You may also make a play list of 10-12 songs.

I collected your take home quizzes.

We began act 4.  We looked at the promise that Hamlet's Mother makes him at the end of act 3 (lines 198-200)

We looked at the start of act 4, and specifically how they speak to each other when nobody else is around.  Are the in love?  Did she hold true to her promise to her son?

We dressed in costumes and did Act 4, sc 1, 2, 3

Friday we will be watching the Mel Gibson version in class.

Brit Lit:


Journal prompt #9:  Music, like writing and film, can connect us as human beings.  If you had to select one album to listen to over and over, as your only music source for the rest of your life, what would you select and why?  You may also make a play list of 10-12 songs.

We finished the Ballad of You assignment.  We took these and made them into a 25-30 line modern folk ballad, based on the student that you interviewed.

Get on the mic:  I gave you the opportunity of reading these into a mic, on a small stool, facing a live audience.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



Journal Prompt #8:  Please explain how you think the play's conflicts will resolve.  If you know the ending, please create an alternative end.  1 page (1/2 page act 4, 1/2 page act 5)

We shared some of your HW:  Explain an event in your life that followed the 5 stages of grief that we discussed in class.  Thank you to those that shared.  I also gave a less personal assignment of looking at 5 characters in Hamlet and to explain where each character is in the same stages.  Both were due today.

We reviewed act III:  I broke you into three groups and asked you to show the top ten events of Act 3, reversed. 

We performed act 3 backwards...

HW:  Please complete take home quiz on act 3.

Brit Lit:


Journal prompt:  Please re-write the song ballad that you brought in, in your own words.  If you forgot the HW, I provided some with the Johnny Cash song, Ballad of a Teenage Queen.

We completed the interview process for

The Ballad of You:

Directions: Today in class you will all be writing a ballad: A short narrative poem that tells a story and is usually set to music. To make this interesting, the ballad that you make will be about another student in class, based primarily on a short interview that you have with them today in class.

Step 1: The Interview:

Please generate 10 questions to ask and record their answer. These will be the foundation of your ballad:

1. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

2. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

3. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

4.Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

5. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

6. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

7. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

8. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

9. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

10. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

Part 2: The Things They Carry….

Describe in detail 5 items that are on them right now. Please use detailed description. Do not just say it is a pen. Describe it in as much detail as you can.






Step 3, The Ballad of….

Write a 25-30 line folk ballad on the person that you interviewed and the information that you collected about them. Please begin this with the following and keep it in the 3rd person at all times:

There once was a boy named Joe that……

Step 3: Perform these in front of the class 

Monday, September 17, 2012

World of Shakespeare:


No journal prompt today.

We took a quiz on Act II

I gave a lightning fast lecture on the things that we do know about Shakespeare.

We broke into groups made a facebook page for Will using the information on his life as posts.  (Yes, I am using your interest in social media against you.)

Hamlet Lines were due today.  We only were able to sneak in a few.  Everyone will go on Tuesday.

Brit Lit:

Journal #6: Please describe what your weekend was like in a page.

We went to the computer lab and finished your Hero's Quest paper.  These were due today.  You are reminded that you will continue to loose a letter grade for each day any major assignment is late.  Please see me if you have any questions.

Word of the week:

Murdrum: (MUR-drum) Noun.  The killing of someone in a secret manner.


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