Friday, February 13, 2015

Brit Lit:


D Block:
 Journal Prompt:  Revenge can indeed be sweet.  Like Grendel's Mom, please describe a time when you got revenge.  Was is sweet?  If you could do it again, would you?  Why?      1 page

We reviewed pgs 50-100.  Per our deal, no vacation HW.

We finished and passed in your first draft.  Final is due Tuesday after vacation.

A+B Block:  We finished our 1st draft and passed it in.  Final is due Tuesday after break.

Have a great vacation!  Be safe and make good choices.  See you on the flip side.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Brit Lit:

Today we wrote the first draft of your paper.  A few general reminders:

1st draft is due Friday.  It does not need to be perfect.  We will be working on revising these the Monday that we get back.

The requirement is 4-5 pages.  Please make sure you cover 10 of the 12 stages that we went over.  For each, begin by defining the stage, followed by how your movie specifically connects.

Final copy due Tuesday after vacation.

D Block HW:  Please read to pg 100 for tonight.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Brit. Lit.:

Yesterday (Tuesday)
We used the time to work on the outline for your paper.

We went over specifics on how to write this paper.  I answered any questions and offered help.  Most of the class was spent in the computer lab writing your first draft.  First draft is due Friday at the end of class.