Friday, November 13, 2009

Where in the class is Master Chief?

Word O' the Week:

Bevy: (BEV-ee) Noun 1. A group of birds or animals. 2. A Collection. From middle English: bevey


Reno, Nevada is west of Los Angeles, CA

Act 3 Parts for Othello:

Lucky Penny...

Brit Lit:

Yesterday and some of today we looked at a modern parody of Macbeth.
Block A: we also worked on discussing the weakness in Macbeth's plans/castle. Pictures to follow....

Block B: We worked on the outline for your next paper on the parody of Macbeth. I will flesh out a typed assignments with rubrics over the weekend for you.

World of Shakespeare:

Yesterday and today we looked at Act 2. Specifically, we looked at stage fighting in super slow mo, jealousy, and began our diary for Iago. Please do not loose the 2 pages that we did in class, as we will be doing this again and interjecting it at the end of the play.

Today we looked again at the film, and I had you present a short skit in front of the class. Each group was given an item that caused your breakup. A ton of great stuff today!

We assigned parts for Act 3- so if you have a speaking part, please look over and familiarize yourself with the lines for Monday. Have a great weekend....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brit Lit:

Today in class you broke into small groups and read Act 4m sc 3 on your own. We then watched a clip from the Godfather, and launched into giving this scene "the Godfather Treatment." Each group identified the key parts to the story and made a mob version of the scene while I played the Godfather Theme in an endless loop. Nah, Nah, nah, nah, nah, na, nah.....

The last 10 minutes of class each group performed their scene. This was counted as a quiz grade, so if you were absent please see me for the alternative make up assignment when you return to class.

We also viewed some late Macbeth movies. I posted another great example below....

Cheerleader Macbeth Scene

Monday, November 9, 2009

World of Shakespeare:

Today in class: We acted out Act 2 in Othello outside.

Brit Lit:

Today in class:
We had our Macbeth Film festival. If your film was still in production, you are reminded that you loose 10 points for each late day. I am after tonight if any group requires technical help for free.

Word O' the Week:

Vamoose: [va-moos] Verb To leave in a hurry.


In Cleveland, Ohio, it's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.