Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Brit Lit:

Today was the last in-class work day to film and edit your projects.  If you had people missing, or were unable to finish on time, you will need to arrange a time to finish after school next week.

Have a great Thanksgiving.  There is so much that we all should be grateful for.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Good read...

Brit Lit:


Groups that were ready and able began filming their scenes.  We will continue working on these on Wed.  Any groups finished will have the opertunity to present these to the class.

If you were missing people and were unable to film, we will finish these after break.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I assigned the She's the Man Paper.  We will be watching this in preparation for the assignment Tuesday and Wed.  These are due November 27th.

We acted out Act 2 sc 1-3.  We tried to brainstorm on the funny.

I showed The Beatles performing the horrid play within a play from A Midsummer.  We discussed dry Brit humor as well as what they did specifically to bring a seemingly dull scene to comedic life.

I broke you into 3 groups and asked each group to discuss 5 stage directions that could be given to the scenes to again make them funny.

HW:  Please finish act 2 for Tuesday.  Please expect a quiz.

Brit Lit


We wrote and typed the 2-3 page script for you Macbeth video project.  We will look to film these in class tomorrow.