Friday, November 18, 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016



Journal:  If you had unlimited resources to throw a victory party, how would you plan your party?  1/2 pg

We finished building your Othello Kahoots! quizzes.

We played the best 3.

We planned for 80's day.  If you are bringing things in, please do not forget!

We began act 2.

Brit Lit.


Journal:  Please think about the three new prophecies.  For each one, explain how YOU think each will come true.                           1/2-1 page

We finished making your own Kahoots! Macbeth quiz.

We played the best three games.

We looked at the 2015 ver of Macbeth and how they depicted the witch scene.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016



Journal:  If you could live in any decade of time, which would you select and why?  What group would you connect to?  What would be your style?   1 pg.

We review your reading/act 1.

We broke into small groups and made a kahoots quiz on act 1.

We took a quiz on act 1.

HW read act 2 sc1+2.

Brit Lit.:


Journal:  Please describe a time when you were telling the truth, but nobody would believe you.  1/2 pg

We played three rounds of Kahoots! to review acts 1-4.

We made our own kahoots quiz in small groups.  A block will take B block and vice versa.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Journal prompt:  Please describe a time when you defied your parents.  Why did you hide the truth.  What was the end result.  Would you do it again?                       1/2 page

We planned 80's day.

We acted out act 1, sc 2-3

HW:  Please finish act 1 for HW. 

Brit Lit.


Journal:  Free write.  Please write about any three things on your mind.   1 page

We broke into small groups to answer some of Malcom's suspicions of Macduff.  Using the 11 lines given, I asked you to respond to each point as Macduff.  I collected these and counted as a quiz.

We did a large chunk of act 4 sc 3.

Monday, November 14, 2016



Journal:  Imagine that you are a diff. race or religion.  Think about the many ways that your life would change.  Would it be better or worse.  What problems would you have that are "new"?

We acted out Act 1 in Othello.

Brit Lit.:


Journal:  "The very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand."  -Macbeth  But are 1st thoughts always best?  Think about times when you did not think before you acted.  Would it have been best to think before you acted.  Please describe the situation.     1pg

Act IV sc1+2

We came to the worst line Shakespeare ever wrote:  Mother they have killed me.."

We took notes

We took a quiz on the start of act IV.  This was the first new grade of the term- start strong!