Thursday, September 17, 2015


Wed + Thursday:

We finished and reviewed act one. 

We looked at the framework of a S.tragedy

Most of you recited your to be, or not to be lines.  The remainder will be due Monday.  Be ready!

We watched MST3K and their mocking of a made for TV BW German version of Hamlet.  I loved hearing you all laugh :-)

We ended with this clip:

Quiz is printed for Monday.  Please review.

Brit Lit:

Wed + Thursday:

We watched the movie Beowulf and looked at how this follows most of the hero's Journey.

We wrote your outline for your paper.

We learned about: Thesis statement, transitional words and phrases and how to write a strong conclusion. 

We passed out ipads and used the online version of Word to type your 1st draft.  I am sorry for those of you that had technical problems with making an account.  Blame Microsoft :-)

Papers were moved to be due at the end of class Monday, but please feel free to log on and work on these from home.  They should automatically be saved to your Microsoft cloud.

Monday, September 14, 2015



Journal:  How do you think we should use the ipads in this class?  Please think about the subject and come up with three lesson ideas.                                                                 1page

We made Shakespeare Star Wars Sonnets:

We worked with a partner and researched three interesting facts to share with the class about Hamlet.

We completed act 1, sc 1

Reminder- 14 lines are due this Wed....tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow....

Brit Lit


Journal:  If you could have three super powers, what would they be?  For each power, please describe three things that you would do with each.  1 Page

We finished Spot the Kenning.

I collected the sheet I gave you to record each one.

I passed out the ipads and went over the rules.

I assigned each of you an ipad.  This will be yours to use during this class.  Please always use the same number.

I passed out outlines for your paper: 3-5 sentences for each stage.

We went online and researched three different sources.

Outline is due today.

Paper is due this Thursday via Turn it in.