Friday, February 12, 2016

Comp Lit. II:


I collected journals #1-10.  These are a paper grade, so if you di not pass in with full effort, please use vacation to do so.

WE took the Animal Farm test.

I collected your books.

HW:  Recharge and spend quality time with your friends and family.  We will hit the ground running on Monday with my favorite book of all time........

Brit Lit:

We took the Beowulf test today:

Essay: CP/CPA:  Answer the following question in a 3 paragraph essay. Be sure to back up your answer with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from the epic. (100 points)

Describe in complete detail one of the three battles Beowulf faced. Be sure to identify characters, setting, plot and events, and how it ended.

 H:  Please answer the above question and: 

 Please explain how the story of Beowulf follows parts of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Quest.  Please make sure that you back up your points with solid, detailed examples. Min. 5 paragraphs.

I collected your journals #1-10

I collected your books.

HW:  Please have a great break and do fun things that do not involve school.  :-)



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal #10:  10 year's have passed on Animal Farm.  Most, if not all, have changed.  Please describe what remains.  Consider: Gov, rules, trade, etc.  What has changed? What is the same?  1 pg

We finished our Utopia project and shared. 

We then took each society and gave them to another group to try and destroy.

We began the Animal Farm movie

HW:  Test Friday.

Brit Lit.


Journal #10:  We have all though about it- If you could have one super/special power, what would it be?  Why would you pick it?  How might you use it.   1 page

We finished our ipad group presentations.

We took a quiz on these.  You could use your notes.

C Block began watching the modern Beowulf movie.

Papers due by midnight.  MUST be submitted into turnitin.

Please have Beowulf finished for Friday.  Please plan on a test before break.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


A Block: cusick2

C Block: cusick3

D Block: cusick1

All lowercase, esp the C


A Block:  12128096   

C Block:  12128106  

D Block: 11916939

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal #9:  Please write a speech by squealer that answers the questions being asked on the farm.  Please use the propaganda terms that we covered.              1pg

Utopia Project: We broke into small groups and created perfect societies.  We named and shared.

Quiz 5-6

HW:  Make sure book is finished.

Brit. Lit.:


Journal #9:  Make a list of the parts of the HJ that your story follows.  For each, please explain how the stage was covered in your story.  I gave out the codes and explained the basics of turnitin.

We broke into small groups and research the following topics:

#1  History of Anglo-Saxton words
#2  Weapons from period
#3 Kennings
#4 Who is who in story
#5  History of the Geats.

Each group then presented these via their ipads.

HW:  Paper due Wed. by midnight
Finish Beowulf for Friday