Friday, May 27, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal:  If you had to take a SCRIPT for a modern movie and place it in a time capsule to be read and studied 400 years from now, what would you pick?  What things do you feel would last?  What specific things would be dated?                                                            1 page

We did Shakespearian Insults

We fought with pinky swords

We finished notes on Shakespeare.

We began acting out the Tempest.

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt:  Do you believe in ghosts?  What is your experience with ghost stories?  1/2 Page

I assigned the ghost story paper.

We went over the 5 characteristics of a good ghost story.

I passed out the peer edit sheet.

We defined allusion and looked at good modern examples.  You will need to imbed 5 allusions into your story, and explain them.

We went to the computer lab and began work on your first draft.

Final story due Wed. June 2nd.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


We took the test on the poetry unit.

We looked at words Shakespeare wrote, and finished notes on his life.

I introduced you to the insults/bad words used by the Bard.  We had a Shakespearian battle using three of these terms against another student.

Pinky Sword Fights.  We imagined our pinky finger was a 30 lbs. sword and re created an epic battle.

We watched a short animated summery of the Tempest:

Brit Lit:


Intro to Gothic lit. notes

A Block Journal:  Using the characteristics, please select a movie or novel and explain how it follows the notes on Gothic lit.                            1 page

C Block Journal:  Using the characteristics of Gothic Lit., write a 2 page Gothic story.  we took your Gothic stories and made a 6 frame storyboard using the ipads.
email storyboard, or a picture of your storyboard to

C Block HW:  Read Intro to Frankenstein on pg 744

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Comp. Lit. II:


We finished Shakespeare in Love

Journal:  What has your experience been with Shakespeare?  What things do you find difficult?  Have you ever seen a play on stage?  If so, what have you seen?  Have you ever performed on stage?
                                                                                                            1/2 page

I gave you Shakespeare intro notes on his life, and the Globe.  Reminder- you may use notes on every quiz during this unit.

I passed out the script to the Tempest.

Brit Lit:

C Block: took final.  Jr's completed same two stories from yesterday.

A Block:
I introduced Gothic Lit.  We took notes on the characteristics

and looked at a short animated example

We read the introduction to Mary Shelly's Frankenstein.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Brit. Lit:

A Block Final Exam- All sections due.

Jr's.:  Read:  The Lady in the Looking Glass on pg 988
answer questions 1-9 on 992

The Rocking Horse Winner pg 996
Answer 1-9 on pg 1005

HW:  Jane Eyre Paper is due Tuesday. -10 each late day.