Friday, April 4, 2014

Brit. Lit.:


I collected your Macbeth Projects.

I introduced poetry.

You each wrote a 25 line poem based on: Winter's End.

I set up a speaker and mic and we had a small poetry slam, sharing out lines of verse.  I wrote with you and shared as well.  We offered feedback to all that read their lines.

Comp. Lit. II:


We reviewed Ch 10-11.

We looked at the death of Piggy and the symbolic images in the chapters.

For those on the field trip, we looked at the essay topics for next week and broke into small groups to design a poster based on the examples for your future writing.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Brit Lit:


The red pill or blue pill.

You were given the options to:
Rock out to the Army Band in the aud.
Use the time to work on your projects due Friday.

Comp. Lit. II:


I passed your journals back.  For those that are doing these daily and keeping up with the requirements given, these are tremendous ways to boost your grade in this class.  Foe those that are not doing them, or passing them in late, a reminder that each 10 counts as a major paper.

We rook a cartoon quiz on ch 8-9.  You had 8 blank frames to draw a cartoon of the events from last nights reading.  I played music from Charlie Brown to set the creative tone. 

We discussed 8-9 with specific attention on the death of Simon. 

We broke into small groups and designed posters based on the essay topics for next week.

HW  Please read ch 10.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brit Lit:


Some of you took the test for Macbeth, while others had today as a work day for your alternative assessment project.

Thursday, I have us signed up to rock out with the US Army band.  This is optional.  If you need additional time to work on your project (due Friday) please feel free to stay behind and work on it.  I will also be after-school today for any group needing help.

Comp. Lit II:


We finished work on your character sketches.

We looked at specific reference points for the following symbols in small groups.  Today. we examined: The Conch, Rocks, The Island, Darkness, the mountain, water.  In a small group, I gave you the pg number for the reference and asked you to explain how the symbol is used in the novel.

We looked at the song by U2 Shadows and Tall Trees.  We discussed the loss of innocence and how the imaery of the song ties into novel.  Have you ever seen a literary allusion in a song and then read the book to discover the importance?  You should try it.

We rocked out to early U2.

We took a quiz on ch 6-7.

HW:  Please read ch 8 +9 tonight.  Please look for the things that we have been discussing: Symbolism, Themes, conflict (external and internal) and light and darkness.

Please write three specific questions that you have for class discussion Thursday.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brit Lit:


We finished the movie of Macbeth and discussed your opinion of it.

We also tried to finish the PBS doc. on Macbeth.

Please bring your big book to class for the next two weeks.


We finished Macbeth.

We watched some examples of the Macbeth movie project.  One of the best from last semester can be watched here:

Quotes from 17th c vs. 2014.  Write a modern line that matches the intensity and meaning of each of the lines on pg. 411

We looked at the poetry of Donne and Jonson

HW:  Please read pgs 395-410.  You may take notes and use them on the quiz wed.

Wed. will be a work day.  Please have everything needed to work on your Macbeth final project.

Comp. Lit. II:


Journal Prompt:  Break into your mock survival group and share your list of supplies with another group.  Steal three things from their list and write a narrative in your journal describing how you obtained them and what you need the objects for.   1 pg.

alt prompt:  Please explain which character that you relate to in the novel with three pieces of evidence from the text to support why.     1pg.

Conflict:  we looked at Man vs. Man, Man vs. self, and Man vs. Nature. in CH 4

We played a web based flash game:

We used it to take notes on the symbolic nature of the names, and the top 5 objects in the novel that are used as symbols.

We started our character bio sketches for the 5 main characters.

I collected journals 11-21.

HW read CH 5 and look for examples of the three conflicts that we discussed.


1.     Breaking into small groups again finish working on the character pages that you were given yesterday. (15 min.)

2.       Introduce essay prompts, when they are due and when test will be. (15 min. to 20 min.)

3.       Break the class into 2 groups according to who has read and who hasn’t.  Students who have read will be able to discuss last night’s reading about conflicts, comprehension questions, and discuss what essay prompt they may choose.

4.       If there is time left at the end of class we can read the beginning of chapter six and then let the students get started on their reading for the night.
HW Please read ch 6-7