Wednesday, September 1, 2010

World of Shakespeare:

Today in class:

We did various acting/group bonding exercises in the auditorium. It was great to see so many of you smiling and enjoying education.

HW: Please read S. Alive! and be prepared to become a person from Elizabethan times.

Soph Lit:

I introduced my favorite book to teach of all time, The Catcher in the Rye.

HW: Please read ch 1-2. Please ask an adult what was their experience reading, or not reading the novel. Please be ready to share these stories Thursday in class.

Brit Lit:

Today in class:

We read the seafarer, I passed out your anthologies, and we discussed the problems of the oral tradition of storytelling via the game telephone.

We began our look at what makes a hero, and why we no longer have true heroes in our modern day world.

Word O' the Week:

Fussbudget: One who is fussy about unimportant things.


On average, a normal child utilizes 730 crayolas by the time that they turn 10.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Tantasqua. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing 10 week break. It is hard to remember a Summer that had better weather.

For those visiting here for the first time, this is a online communication that I use to pass on what we did in class, and also give recognition to positive educational experiences that happen in my class.

It was great meeting you all this week. I look forward to our time together. Thanks for continuing to remind me why I have the best job in the world.