Friday, November 6, 2009

Macbeth Movie Monday

Brit Lit: You are reminded that you film projects are due this Monday. Today I collected your scripts. If you did not have your script, or see yourself not having this done for Monday, please see me ASAP.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Making a New Stew

Master chief Enjoys the show...

World of Shakespeare:

Today we finish Act 1, and continued our discussion of some of the controversy in the play.

During lunch I was absolutely delighted that a small group decided to have a picnic in my classroom. Tantasqua continues to amaze and inspire me as a teacher!

After lunch we broke into small groups and worked on creating a scene where the teenage daughter comes to a family dinner- only to announce that she has married the boyfriend that the family disapproved of.

HW- Please write 1/2 page on what your opinion is towards Othello is at the end of scene 1. Please remember, most of the conversation is about him, but they NEVER say his name.

Reminder: If anyone has the board game, please bring it in. I would like to talk about the rules of the game and how they relate to the play-It will help to have a visual of the game.

Brit Lit:

Today in class: We finished Act III. Block A looked at a scene with Jedi Master Yoda, and I asked you to identify the reversed thought. Much like Shakespeare, Yoda flips things around for effect.

Both classes read, danced and cackled during the Stew making scene in Act 4. I then asked you to break into small groups and modernize some of the ingredients. I will try and put some of them together and post some of the better parts.

HW: Macbeth Video project due November 9th. Please make sure that you are not leaving this to the last minute!

You know you have a great class when....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

World of Shakespeare:

Today we began or study of Othello. We are going to work this one a bit different. Each week, you will be assigned a specific character. You will be responsible for reading their lines before hand and becoming familiar with the lines and what they mean.

Today I also gave you brief intro notes on the play and we discussed some of the controversial topics that remain 400 years after.

Brit Lit:

Today in class: We looked at act 3, and I asked you to write a page speculating what would be a great "moment of final suspense" at the start of ACT 4.

I gave you some group time to work out your Macbeth scripts. Reminder: These are due November 9th. I will be after this week to help those who may be technically stop by for some free help.

Word O' the Week:

Dotty (Dot-ee) adj. Eccentric, mentally unbalanced, unconventional.


Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.