Friday, December 9, 2011

Today in class

Dream Catching

We did a writing assignment where I tried to get you to write with your unconscious mind.

Hold onto what you collected, but resist the urge to read them. We will be looking at them on Monday and using your words and thoughts like paint to write some amazing poetry.

Much like a dream, your thoughts will have faded, but you will instantly remember some of the images.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

D Block:


We had sign-ups for our class secret Santa. If you were absent and still would like to participate, let me know Friday.

We talked about any experiences that you had sharing your poem from Tuesday.

Donne, Dun, Dun, Dun......we looked at the poetry of Donne.

We tried writing from the other side of the emotional spectrum: hate/anger/hurt/death.

We ended class with a little exercise that I call pass the poem. We started 10 original poems and passed them around allowing each of you to contribute a verse.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We started our look at 17thc poetry. Many of you shared a poem on a stool with a mic. I hope that some of you felt a connection to the poem that you selected.

It was neat to see that most of you got mildly into it.

Please make sure that you all look over the intro pages on the historical thoughts that were conflicting when these poems were written.

D Block- Did you share your poem? If so, tell us in class. I would love to hear about any stories.

Poetry can capture emotion like a fly in amber.

Monday, December 5, 2011


We finished act 5. Macbeth Video projects are due Tuesday. Those that plan on taking the test instead should be prepared to do so tomorrow.