Thursday, November 10, 2016



Journal:  We don't always get what we deserve.  Please describe a time when an award or recognition went to somebody else instead of you.  How did you feel?  Did you want revenge?   1/2 pg

Othello, like all Shakespeare plays begins with an exciting scene to capture our imagination.  In the case of Othello, this is a drunk argument.  Each of you had to take a line of insult and learn it.  We then challenged another student and yelled it at them.

We had our first round of Othello Fridays...just on a Thursday.  We will be playing three rounds of this.

Have a great, safe weekend.  We will hit the ground running on Monday, recharged and ready to learn.

Brit. Lit.


Journal:  Please describe a time that you could not hide your feelings.  You may choose to write about more than one event.    1 page

I passed back assignments and your Macbeth quizzes.

We watched the death of Banquo scene in the 1972 ver. of the Scottish play.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016



Journal:  Jealousy is the green eyed monster.  How has jealousy effected your life or those around you?    1/2 page

We finished Shakespeare High

We started Othello

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Act IV marks our final moment of suspense.  What do you think will be the new three prophecies?  For each, please be specific on how these will directly impact the play.  Remember, this is a moment of hope for Macbeth, so they should be positive.    1/2 page

We finished the Doc: Shakespeare High

We acted out act IV, sc 1.

I broke you into small groups to list 15 ingredients that are grosser than gross.  Did it surprise you how graphic Shakespeare was?  Did you beat the birth strangled babe delivered by a drab in a ditch?

Monday, November 7, 2016


We took the 12th Night exam.

I collected books and passed out Othello.

We ended with a journal prompt:  What are your feeling to inter racial love relationships?  What would the reaction at home and with friends be if you dated another race?  Why do you think they feel this way?

No paper passed in Bad list:

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt:  Banquo's ghost never speaks.  Prepare 2 (10-15 line) speeches by him at the party.  Please use at least 3 Shakespeare language tricks and underline each of them.

Monarchs have a heraldic device:  a picture (or coat of arms).  This symbolizes their power and depicts in some way their perception of themselves and their nation.  It shows what they WANT people to think of them and their leadership.  They are not always true.  In small groups we researched coat of arms and made one for the Macbeth's.