Friday, October 15, 2010

World of Shakespeare:

Today we:

Presented your Sonnet Movie Projects. I hope to have a few of the best samples posted over the weekend- so check back.

Soph Lit:


We took the exam for our unit on Animal Farm.

Brit Lit:

Today in class:
We watched act 1 of the Roman Polanski ver of Macbeth.
I broke you into groups and asked you to recast a modern version of Macbeth, explaining why each actor was selected.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Help Support TED

WOS: You are needed Nov 21st at 11 am. Sign up sheet on my board if interested.

World of Shakespeare:

Today we:

Finished Act 1.
Answered questions on your sonnet movie projects. Reminder: these are due Friday!
Quiz on Act 1

Soph Lit:

Today in class:

We reviewed for the test, discussed the novel ending, and watched a film version of the story.

HW: Please study/review your notes for the test. Please outline and work on how you plan on answering the essay questions given to you.

Sample Propaganda Project

Brit Lit:

We finished Act 1 and took notes. We also took a quick quiz.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brit Lit:

Today in class:

We presented your 10 lines from Macbeth. Please remember, that you loose 10 points each day that you are present, but not ready to go.

We also attempted to convert the lines to a more modern version.

Word O' the Week:

Gleed: [gleed] A live coal or beam of light.


Approximate number of facial expressions dogs can make: 100