Friday, December 21, 2012

Warm Wishes

Wishing you all peace and happiness. 

Please use this time to reflect on the importance of those in your life.  We all have much to be thankful for.  See you in the new year.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012



We went to the computer lab to take a school wide survey.

We decorated the holiday shrub with your sonnets.

Brit Lit:

I apologize that I have been unable to update the blog this week.  Please see me if you have missed work.


Last night I asked you to read the 1st chapter of the Victorian novel, Jane Eyre on pg 922 and answer questions 1-6 at the end.

Today, we began class with the journal prompt:

At the end of Ch 1 in Jane Eyre, Jane is sent to the Red room for punishment.  Here our imagination, as always, is often greater the reality.  Use your imagination to describe the room that we never see.  Please write a 1st person "I" account of what is in the room and what happens when Jane is placed there.  1 page min.

We then looked at the entire story via an excellent film version.

Reminder:  Secret Santa/Bobo gifts for your classmates are due by this Friday.  Please see me with any questions.

Friday, December 7, 2012


We presented your sonnet media projects today.  If you were absent, we will finish them on Monday.

The last 10 minutes we played a game of Othello.

Brit Lit:


We exchanged names for our class secret Santa.
We looked at foot and meter.
We practiced this with da,dum,da,dum,da,dum...

We diagrammed the poetry of Donne and Keats.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I asked for an update on your stickie post it notes.  How did it go?

We looked at modern sonnets.

We did an activity that I call pass the poem.  We started two poems: one on love, one on hate, and passed them around and had each person contribute a line of verse following the rules of a Shakespearean Sonnet.  I will post these soon.  They were both well done.

We looked at the origin of the sonnet- Italian style.  We defined the differences and talked about lasting images in poems.

HW:  Please bring in your favorite printed lyrics.  These do not need to be your fav song- but rather lyrics that are meaningful to you.  We will be making these into a sonnet on wed.  I will also continue to look to getting you into a lab to work on your sonnet media project.

Brit Lit:


A Block:  We went to the computer lab to finish your paper.  Please see me if you did not get to finish. 

C Block:
We finished the movie.
We read the selected poems by Ben Johnson.

HW:  Please bring in a copy of your favorite lyrics.  Not your favorite song- but words to a song that hold meaning to you.

Friday, November 30, 2012



We selected a line (or two) of powerful verse.  I asked you to write the line down on a stickie note and stick it in a random spot.  I suggested: school, home, work, Patrick's football helmet...

We talked about the discovery of a line.

I went over dramatic language and imagery in the poem.

We define the structure of a Shakespeare sonnet. 
We defined an iambic pentameter. 
I made each of you a unstressed, or stressed syllable. 
We stomped around the room to illustrate the pattern.  I suggested that this is the heartbeat of the poet.  We talked about why this has an impact on us( mother's heartbeat, ocean waves, etc.)

I asked you to write you own sonnet.

We looked at a few samples of previous sonnet projects.  These will be assigned officially on Monday and due next Friday.

Brit Lit:


A Block:  We finished the play. 
We took notes on acts 4.2-5.8 
We will have a test on Macbeth this Monday.
We went to the computer lab to select one of our last 5 creative writing prompts,  You were asked to select the one that you feel best showcases your writing.  I asked you to clean it up and make it sparkle.  We will finish these on Tuesday in the lab.

C Block:  We finished our notes.  We reviewed for the test Monday.  We went to the computer lab to type one of your last 5 creative prompts. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012


We all had a chance to share the sonnet that you brought in and covered the following:

Read the poems slowly.  Savor all of the richness of the poem.  We race through life- consider smelling the flower from time to time.

Two lines can stick and stand on their own beauty.

We covered the themes found in the sonnets.

We looked at the life experience that might be needed to understand the complexity of feeling.

HW:  Please read the four sonnets that I gave you at least twice.  S   L   O  W  L  Y....  Find the two lines that you most connect to and be ready to explain why.

Brit Lit:

Today:  A Block shred their Macbeth videos and worked on finishing the play.

C Block:
We watched a few more Macbeth projects.
We finished the play
We reviewed for the test

After lunch, I broke you into small groups to write an outline for a sequel to the play.

Test this Monday.  Please make sure that you have your notes and review the play.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We took the test on The Twelfth Night.  If you were absent, please schedule a time with me to make it up.

We began our look at the sonnets.  I gave you my lecture notes.

HW:  Find a sonnet that connects to you and have it ready to share in class on Thursday.  If you can't find one, you are also able to write your own.

Brit Lit:


A Block:

Each group was given a 15 minute block to edit their video project.

I broke you into your same groups and asked you to speculate how act 5 will resolve.  I asked you to brainstorm on 10 fictitious events that would resolve the main 10 problems in the play.  I hate to say it, but most of you came up with endings that are better than the real one.

Speaking of the true ending, we will be finishing the play this week. 

We will be world premiering your videos on Thursday.  I am greatly looking forward to seeing what you all came up with.

C Block:

We went down to the auditorium and watched your projects.
We worked on finishing act 5.
We took a quick quiz on 4-5.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



We watched the origional Obi-Wan (Sir Alec Guiness) in a horrible vesrion of the play.  I bet that you never expected to see Obi-Wan in yellow leggings....

We took a quiz on Act 5.

I reviewed for the mini test Wed.  You may use one page of notes if needed.  I also gave the three essay questions.  You may wish to prepare these at home tonight.

We broke into 2 groups and I asked you to show the love resolutions at the end of the play.  Unlike past plays, it was refreshing that everyone did not die...

Up Next...we look at the poetry of Shakespeare...and the keys to his heart..

Brit Lit:


We made a horrible stew.  15 gross ingredients that are worse than the stew in act 4.

We read act 4.

We took a quiz on act 3-4.

All Macbeth movies are due Thursday.  I will be after school on Tuesday Wed. and Thursday if any group needs additional time.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Word O' the Week:

Skulkverb inter.  To hide, evade, or move stealthily.


I gave you class today to write/type your She's the Man parody paper in the library.

The play is due Tuesday.  We will be taking a quiz on the ending of the play, so please make sure that you are ready.

Brit Lit:

Today, we completed journal #25:

If you had the ability to change and three events over thanksgiving, what would you choose.  What would change as a result?  Would your Thanksgiving be better or worse?

A Block:  I gave you this block to finish filming your Macbeth video projects.

C Block:  We worked on ACT III-IV

For this Friday, please select one of your 5 creative journal prompts and work it into a polished piece of writing.  We will be typing these in the computer lab this Friday.

We will be watching your Macbeth projects this Friday on the big screen.  If any group needs additional time, I will be after school this Tuesday and Wed.  Please make a point of arranging a time that you can meet to finish.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Brit Lit:

Today was the last in-class work day to film and edit your projects.  If you had people missing, or were unable to finish on time, you will need to arrange a time to finish after school next week.

Have a great Thanksgiving.  There is so much that we all should be grateful for.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Good read...

Brit Lit:


Groups that were ready and able began filming their scenes.  We will continue working on these on Wed.  Any groups finished will have the opertunity to present these to the class.

If you were missing people and were unable to film, we will finish these after break.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I assigned the She's the Man Paper.  We will be watching this in preparation for the assignment Tuesday and Wed.  These are due November 27th.

We acted out Act 2 sc 1-3.  We tried to brainstorm on the funny.

I showed The Beatles performing the horrid play within a play from A Midsummer.  We discussed dry Brit humor as well as what they did specifically to bring a seemingly dull scene to comedic life.

I broke you into 3 groups and asked each group to discuss 5 stage directions that could be given to the scenes to again make them funny.

HW:  Please finish act 2 for Tuesday.  Please expect a quiz.

Brit Lit


We wrote and typed the 2-3 page script for you Macbeth video project.  We will look to film these in class tomorrow.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I collected your journals.

We broke into groups and wrote the script for the Shakespeare Remix assignment.  We went down to the stage and performed these during the last 20 minutes of class.

Brit Lit:

Journal Prompt:

Today, we concluded our creative themed journal prompts. 
Imagine that you have found an item that could possibly change your life forever.  Please describe in 1-2 pages what you found and how you would use it.  Reminder:  you will be taking your favorite prompt and work it into a formal piece of writing next week.

A Block:  We watched past samples of the Macbeth movie project.
We took a cartoon quiz on act 3.

B Block:  You wrote the modern script for your scene.  I collected these.  We then went over storyboards.  We will begin filming these on Monday.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt:
Begin with the line:
"He always had a fear of..........."
End with the line:
"At the end of the day, you should always avoid......"
1 page

Block A: We finished act 3.

Block C:  I assigned the Macbeth video project. 
We watched a few samples from previous classes.
We broke into groups and wrote a brief treatment describing your idea.
We will be writing the script in class this Friday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We started with another comedy based journal prompt.  I asked you to listen to 10 random sound effects and incorporate them into an original story.

We reviewed your terminology of comedy worksheets.  I asked you to break into a small group and show 4 of the 10 comedic terms in a short skit based on anything that has happened in my class this year.

We continued reading/acting Act 1. 

Please finish reading act 1 in The Twelfth Night.

Brit Lit


Journal Prompt:  Sound effect stories.  We listened to 10 random sounds and worked them into a journal story.

We acted out Act III, sc2-4

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Reno, Nevada is west of Los Angeles, CA.

Word of the week:

Impassible (im-pas-uh-buhl)  Adj.  Insusceptible to pain of suffering.


Journal Prompt:

I gave you a humorous picture and asked you to tell the story of the photo in 1,000 words.  If you were absent, either find a humorous picture on your own, or I can give you one in class on wed.  3-4 pages.

I passed back your Othello test. 

We began The 12th Night.  Please read act 1. sc 1-3 for HW if you were absent due to the play performance.

HW:  Please define the humor terms that I gave you in class.  I will be checking your definitions in class on wed.

Brit Lit:

Journal Prompt:  A picture is said to be 1,000 words.  I gave everyone in class a picture and asked you to write a 1000 word story based on the photo.

We continued working on Act 3 in Macbeth.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Today we looked at two drastically different endings: The classical Othello, and the modern version, O.  We discussed what draws us to pain in stories. Why do we like endings like Othello?

We then went over some of your HW comments about humor.  I played two short clips to illustrate timing and slapstick.  As we move into our first comedy, we will be continually examining the funny in Shakespeare's plays.

I also gave out a character list for the next play to help with the whose, who.

Brit Lit

Today, I lost a bet with Mr. Metz and supported your learning by dressing up in an embarrassing costume for the day.

We finished the documentary, Shakespeare Behind Bars, and had a good talk about the film.

C Block:  We also did a short writing assignment that had me play 15 sound effects, while to Incorporated them into a story at the same time.Some utterly bizarre creativity on this one....

I also gave C Block back their corrected journals today.  Please continue to keep up with these.  They continue to be worth a paper grade and can tremendously help your grade average for my class.

Enjoy the three day weekend....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today:  You took the exam for Othello.  This will be your fist grade for term 3.

I also collected your books and passed out our next play- The Twelfth Night.

HW:  Please list 10 things that you find funny.  These can be specific, or general.  What makes YOU laugh....

We will be examining humor tomorrow as we head into our first comedy.  Does comedy hold up as well 430 years after?

Brit Lit:


We caught up on our notes. 

We covered all the remaining events in Act 2. 

We defined the exciting force that sets the rise in action (death of Duncan) and looked at the climax of the play in act 3 (Macbeth becomes king.)  Being a tragedy, now we meet the first fall.  This is also when all of Shakespeare gets especially good in my opinion...

Block A: You also caught up on the act 2 quiz today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


We reviewed act 5.  Specifically, we discussed what works in the ending, and what does not.

We played the review game, Who Wants to Win a Pizza Party.  This was to review for the test Wed.

HW:  Please look over your notes and review the play.

Brit Lit:

A Block:  We participated in a mock presidental debate with Mr. Metz's history class.  In a close debate, we lost 2-1.  Thanks to Mr. Metz for inviting us to participate in this worthwhile educational activity.

C Block:
 We broke into two large groups and I tasked you to show the play so far, backwards.

Monday, November 5, 2012



Journal Prompt #18:

If you could change a character, prop, line, or event in the play Othello that would drastically change the outcome of act 5, what could you change?  CPA: 1/2 page H: full page.

We then took the best and showed these in a small skit.

HW:  Please finish the play.  Review on Tuesday, test this Wed.

Brit Lit:


A Block spent the shortened block finishing our prep for the presidential debate with Mr. Metz's class Tuesday.

B Block:  We continued reading act 3.

Friday, November 2, 2012


We reviewed act 4, sc1. 

We acted out act 4, sc 2 with the aid of a tivo remote.  I had you each pause the action and suggest a new motivation for the lines in the scene.

Please have the play read by Tuesday.  We will have a test on the play next wed.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Brit Lit:


A Block went to the lib. to research information to prepare for our debate with Mr. Metz's class on Tuesday.  Please continue to research your position over the weekend.

We reviewed act 2 and began act 3.  Block C also took a quiz on act 2.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday:  I shared my Irish ghost story.

Today:  We had a guest teacher from Sweden share with our class a collection of videos that her students made.

We had the opportunity to ask her questions about the differences between our two countries. 

We agreed to work on a few collaborative projects with the classes from Sweden.

Please be ready for the quiz on act 4, sc 1.

Brit Lit:


Welcome back.  I am sorry for the lack of updates.  I have been without power.


I told my ghost story from my time teaching there.  Happy Halloween!


We finished Act 2.
I informed people that are still missing assignments.  The term closes Friday, but I will accept them through this Monday.

We took notes on act 2.

Last call for those that still needed to recite their Macbeth lines.

Friday, October 26, 2012



I passed back a handful of assignments.

We watched a modern parody of the play Othello, O.

Have a great weekend.

DVD's soon!

Brit Lit:


We recited our ten lines of Shakespeare. To those that went, I was exceptionally proud of you.

We then caught up on the film version of the play.

I passed back a bunch of assignments- some with no names. If you did not get everything back, please see me to make up or claim your work with no name.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Further reading from today....


Journal Prompt: "A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night." Marilyn Vos Savant 1-2 pages

I passed out permission forms for the movie O.  Please return these if your parent or guardian has an objection to you watching this Friday in class.  A meaningful alternative assignment will be given if you are unable to view it :-)

We talked about being interviewed for the Town Common Story.  I can't wait to read it.  Thanks Jen!

We paired up and looked at finding emotion in the lines of act III.  I gave you a group worksheet and we completed these.

I went over relationships in the play thus far.  I gave you a handout to assist in this.

HW:  I gave you an early version of the same story that pre-dates Shakespeare.  Please read this for HW.

Brit Lit:

Journal Prompt:  "A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night."                                                                                                    Marilyn Vos Savant                             1-2 pages

We tried the Mozart effect to help you learn you 10 lines due Friday.

W looked at Act 2

HW:  Lines due.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Thank you for you willingness to answer questions from the reporter visiting our class today.  I remain very proud of the project that we did together. Thanks for all of your kind words.  That stuff means everything to me as a teacher.   I will let you all know when the article runs and try to get a few extra copies.

Today, we reviewed Act 3.  Act 3 is a tough act.  If you found it difficult, stay with it.  It gets easier.

We took a quiz on act 3.

We did not complete a journal today.

I will be collecting your assessments Thursday.  Please make sure that you have them.

Brit Lit:

Today:  We had a student select the quote for our daily journal.  If you were absent, please ask for the quote in class.

We finished taking notes on Act 1.

We took a quiz on Act 1.

I suggested that often Shakespeare leaves a most desired scene out.  Why does he not show us the death of Duncan?

I asked you to try and recreate the missing scene.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We continued with quote week for our journal prompts:
"A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when the despise him." Leo Tzu 1/2 page.

We acted out act 3, sc 3.  Yesterday we focused on using a musical score to enhance the meaning of the lines.  Today, we worked on sound effects and costumes.

HW:  Please finish act 3.

Brit Lit:

We continued with quote week for our journal prompts:

"A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists.  Not so good when people obey and acclaim him.  Worse when the despise him."        Leo Tzu   1/2 page.

I broke you into small groups and tasked you with:

A dry reading
A reading with blocking
A reading with sound effects

We combined these and performed them for the class.

HW:  Continue to learn your 10 Macbeth lines.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Journal Prompt:

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school." Einstein

Explain what this quote means to you in 1/2 a page.

We went over the Hamlet evaluations.

We discussed music in Shakespeare's plays.

I broke you into small groups to identify 10-15 lines that would be enhanced by a musical score (see video below)


Evaluations due this Wed.

Write a lost letter or diary entry for Iago.  The letter should identify his plans to destroy Othello.

Brit Lit

Journal Prompt:

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school."  Einstein

Explain what this quote means to you in 1/2 a page.

We reviewed the Macbeth lines- 10 lines memorized by this Friday.

We caught up on our notes.

W began Act 2

Good viewing

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In the news....

Brit Lit:

Journal Prompt:

College Prompt Week Continues...this time from Notre Dame University, 1993:

Please select a technical innovation from the last century and explain what life would be without this item. 1 page

We took notes on Act 1.  A Block wrote a letter from Macbeth to Lady Macbeth.

We looked at the Roman Polanski version of the play.

World of Shakespeare:

Journal Prompt:

College Prompt Week Continues...this time from Notre Dame University, 1993:

Please select a technical innovation from the last century and explain what life would be without this item.     1 page

We looked act 1 of Hamlet in film form.  Specifically, we looked at the the additions in the opening 15 minutes.  Were they needed?

We announced your Heralds from HW.  I appreciated your wit.

HW:  Please review act 1-2(again).  Quiz Wed.

WBZ News

Tonight, at 5:57, WBZ CH 4 news in Boston will be doing a story on the Hamlet video that my Shakespeare class produced.

I hope you all get on TV!  It is well deserved!  Record it!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Journal Prompt: Imagine that you have written a 300 page autobiography. Please write pg 217.

1 page.

Over the next three days, we will be looking at three different college essay prompts. We will also use each one to demonstrate how specific types of prompts can be handled.

A Block:  We went on stage and covered blocking and the importance of stage movement.  We defined an aside.

C Block:  We wrote a letter from Macbeth to Lady Macbeth.  I counted this as a quiz.

World of Shakespeare


Journal Prompt:  Imagine that you have written a 300 page autobiography.  Please write pg 217.

1 page.

Over the next three days, we will be looking at three different college essay prompts.  We will also use each one to demonstrate how specific types of prompts can be handled.

We took a quiz on the Shakespeare terms.

I passed back many assignments.  We will be collecting some of your best work in folders this year.  I asked you to place your 5 stages of grief assignment and your Hamlet project in your folder.  You are always welcome to bring these home, but please make sure that they return to class.

Our video has over 400 views in 20 hours!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Watch this



We watched the final version of Hamlet, Gangnam Style.  Thank you to all of you for reminding me why teaching is still so much fun!

As soon as it gets the official green light to share, it will be posted on our class owned web site:

We acted Act 2, sc 1-2.  Please finish sc 2 for HW, and study the terms that I gave you.

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt #13:

Please write a one page letter to yourself in the past.

We worked on 5 improv scenes that will tie in with the events in Macbeth.  Hopefully, the skits will help with your understanding some of the themes in the play.

We watched the battle sequence from the movie Braveheart to show what is was like to be returning from a battle that would be described as "two swimmers that cling to each other."

We acted Act 1, sc 2-3

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I gave you each a line of verse from a Shakespeare play. Each row was tasked with one of the following:


We talked about how each of these can help with giving life and feeling to the lines.

We went over Shakespeare's Language tricks:




Classical Allusion

Reverse word

Reverse Thought

Reversed sentence construction.

We broke into groups and found examples of each in act 1 in Othello.

Brit Lit:


We started with journal prompt #11:

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?  Imagine five years after the wishes- how specifically would your life change.  Please be specific.  1 Page

I gave you each a line of verse from a Shakespeare play.  Each row was tasked with one of the following:

We talked about how each of these can help with giving life and feeling to the lines.

We went over Shakespeare's Language tricks:

Classical Allusion
Reverse word
Reverse Thought
Reversed sentence construction.

We acted Act 1, sc 1-2 in Macbeth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Today we completed filming. 

I passed out Othello.

HW.  Please read act 1 in Othello.  Please write 5 questions based on the act for class discussion.  We will be using these questions to talk about the events of Act 1.

Are there still hang ups over love and marriage between people of different race?  We will talk about this and more in class.

Brit Lit:


We finished our look at Shakespeare's life.

We begin Macbeth Wed!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Today we finished filming Act 2.  We will work to finish Hamlet and start our next play, Othello, early next week.

I posted a shot from M's death scene from the other day.  I am looking forward to seeing the final presentation!  I can't tell you how much fun it is watching you not only completely understand the play, but also have fun!

Have a good weekend.

Brit Lit:

Today we looked at scenes from the movie Shakespeare in Love.  Block C also had time for a quiz on the Shakespeare notes that I gave you in class this week.We will begin Macbeth on Tuesday!

Have a wonderful, long weekend.

Thursday, October 4, 2012



We filmed act 4.

We looked at the footage that Tom was able to edit for the project. 

Stellar work all around.  I can not wait to share the final product.  You made this assignment great!

We will try our best to film act 2-3 Friday, or at least have fun attempting it.

Brit Lit:


A Block:  We finished our prologue poem.

We began our look at Shakespeare.  We took a look at the only things that we know for sure about him.

We looked at Shakespearean insults.  I asked you to combine 3 words and face off against another student.

C Block:  We also went around the room and tried to read one line of verse, from a wide spectrum of plays.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Day three of the project.  Today we began filming Hamlet.

Your projects were also due.  Please see me if you did not pass this in.

Brit Lit:


We converted The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight into a movie storyboard.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

World of Shakespeare


We reviewed the movie project.

I gave you 30 minutes to finish your storyboards and time to rehearse your scene.

We discussed act 5 and how we could resolve the play with an epic dance off.

HW:  Your Hamlet projects are due Wed.  I can stay after today if you need additional help.  Please see me if you need any help.

We will be filming these Wed.

Brit Lit:


I collected your HW questions from last night.

We reviewed the story.

I broke you into groups and asked you to imagine that you were tasked with making a modern movie for Sir Gawain.

We made a storyboard for the movie, and passed these in.

HW:  Your pilgrimage assignment is due this Friday.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today, we concluded our discussion on Act 5 in Hamlet.

We broke into our project groups.  Over the next three days, we will work to tell the 5 acts of the play, gangnam-style.

Day 1:  Create a version of your act that follows the absurdity of the video
Day 2:  Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
Day 3:  Each group will have a flip camera to record their act.

Day 4:  Showtime!

Brit Lit:


We discussed the concept of learning from the journey.  As the final piece of your pilgrimage assignment, we wrote the first draft of your pilgrimage.  Your final project must include the following parts:

Prologue poem
Symbolic representation in 10-15 images.
3 paragraph paper explaining your pilgrimage

These are due this Friday.

HW:  Please read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.  Please answer questions 1-7 at the end of the story.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Brit Lit:


I passed your papers back
We started collecting pieces for your portfolio

We watched A Knight's Tale

HW:  Have a good weekend

Thursday, September 27, 2012


We took a quiz on act 4.

We finally figured out why Vader has been holding a skull for the last two weeks and acted out act 5.

We discussed the possibility of trying to make a viral video for Hamlet, gundam style....

HW:  Please finish the play

Brit Lit:


We finished your symbolic representation. 

We reviewed your reading and took a quiz on it.

This Friday:  A Knight's Tale

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We each made a quiz for act 4.  You were asked to exchange these, that their quiz, and then correct it.

We reviewed the end of act 4.

HW:  Begin work on your Hamlet project.  These are due next Tuesday.

Brit Lit:


We finished working on your symbolic representations of yourself

We define characteristics of Chaucer's style

We wrote your own prologue poem

Reminder:  Please read pgs 115-120

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I assigned the Hamlet project officially.  Please see me with any questions.  These will be due: Oct. 2.

We worked on Act 4.  We tried a game called Freeze, pop!  A group performed Act 4, sc 3 and we had the ability to freeze the action and pop in a question.

HW:  Please finish act 4.  Expect a quiz Wed.  Speaking of Wed., I am late on wed if anyone needs any extra help-stop by!

Brit Lit Assignment:

Make Your Own Pilgrimage…..

Over the next week, we will be reading a collection of “tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer.

In class we will be looking at his style, and be looking at what a pilgrimage is, and why you would go on one. Duplicating a writer’s style is one of the hardest tasks that I will ask you to do. It will require close examination of the language and the way Chaucer tells the tale.

Part 1: The Prologue Poem In this section, you will write a poem to begin your piece. In your poem you must: Give yourself a title as a pilgrim

Write 4-6 Lines.

Emulate Chaucer

Part II: The Symbolic Representation Provide a hand drawn picture, a collage, or a brief descriptive piece which clearly gives a symbolic representation of who you are. Remember, symbols are common images, which are used to represent much larger things.

Part III: The Tale You will write about a pilgrimage that you have been on.

In your Tale, you must: Write 3 well written paragraphs

Write a tale that includes, Characters, a plot, a setting, a climax, and a conclusion

There is a clear lesson that you learn by the end of the tale.

Brit Lit:


I collected any late journals.

We finished your pilgrim presentations.

I gave you a quiz on last nights reading.

I defined Symbolism

We defined ourselves using symbols, as part of your Pilgrimage Assignment.

Early Canterbury Tales

Monday, September 24, 2012


Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than a new car.

Classroom doodles, not by me...

A little Christopher Walken....


Please choose one of the following projects:

Assignment #1: Hamlet: Grief Session

Directions: You are a psychiatrist and have begun counseling a new patient recently. In a 500 word, two page typed paper, please file a report on your findings. Please use specific examples from Acts 1-4 to support you end recommendations. You are required to look at all of his soliloquies and dialogue, which should be used as direct conversations given in his therapy sessions.

Please follow the following rubric:

1.) Start with an opening paragraph which needs to state your overall opinion of Hamlet’s mental state. 20 points

2.) In your body, please detail 4 examples which support your thesis.

40 points

3.) Please end with a final paragraph restating your diagnosis. Please end your report with your recommendations. 20 points

4.) Paper is typed, with proper grammar and punctuation 20 points           Assignment #2: So You Want to be a Movie Star?

Please take an act of Hamlet, and film a modern version.

Pick a scene in Acts 1-4 to perform in front of the class. You must do a full complete scene, which includes all of the key events. Before you begin, your group must make a master script which needs to be followed. Your script can be “modernized” to help you learn the lines.

Part of your grade will be on costumes. These do not have to be elaborate, but do need to show some effort. In other words, please do not wear what you would normally for school.

Your projects will be graded on the following:
Script 5 10 15
Effort 10 20 30
Costuming 5 10 15
Lines 5 10 15
Interpretation 10 20 25
Of the Scene

Final video should be 5-10 minutes long and submitted as a .mov, mp4, or DVD

Assignment #3: Graphic Novel

Take an act of the play, and convert it into a graphic novel.

Please visit for ideas and inspiration.

Your projects needs to be 20-30 animated frames

You need to completely re-tell the events of an entire act

You need a creative, colorful title.

Brit Lit:

Today:  The Canterbury Tales

The History of
Middle English vs. Modern English

I broke you into groups and asked you to do a character sketch based on a character in the story.
We presented these to the class.

HW:  Please read pgs. 88-112 in your big book (anthology)  Quiz on everything we covered today + reading Tuesday.

I collected your 1st 10 journal prompt.  These are past due- please pass in ASAP.

Word of the Week:

Redact: (ri-DAKT)  Verb tr.  To revise or edit a document for publication.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

World of Shakespeare:

Journal prompt #9: Music, like writing and film, can connect us as human beings. If you had to select one album to listen to over and over, as your only music source for the rest of your life, what would you select and why? You may also make a play list of 10-12 songs.

I collected your take home quizzes.

We began act 4.  We looked at the promise that Hamlet's Mother makes him at the end of act 3 (lines 198-200)

We looked at the start of act 4, and specifically how they speak to each other when nobody else is around.  Are the in love?  Did she hold true to her promise to her son?

We dressed in costumes and did Act 4, sc 1, 2, 3

Friday we will be watching the Mel Gibson version in class.

Brit Lit:


Journal prompt #9:  Music, like writing and film, can connect us as human beings.  If you had to select one album to listen to over and over, as your only music source for the rest of your life, what would you select and why?  You may also make a play list of 10-12 songs.

We finished the Ballad of You assignment.  We took these and made them into a 25-30 line modern folk ballad, based on the student that you interviewed.

Get on the mic:  I gave you the opportunity of reading these into a mic, on a small stool, facing a live audience.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



Journal Prompt #8:  Please explain how you think the play's conflicts will resolve.  If you know the ending, please create an alternative end.  1 page (1/2 page act 4, 1/2 page act 5)

We shared some of your HW:  Explain an event in your life that followed the 5 stages of grief that we discussed in class.  Thank you to those that shared.  I also gave a less personal assignment of looking at 5 characters in Hamlet and to explain where each character is in the same stages.  Both were due today.

We reviewed act III:  I broke you into three groups and asked you to show the top ten events of Act 3, reversed. 

We performed act 3 backwards...

HW:  Please complete take home quiz on act 3.

Brit Lit:


Journal prompt:  Please re-write the song ballad that you brought in, in your own words.  If you forgot the HW, I provided some with the Johnny Cash song, Ballad of a Teenage Queen.

We completed the interview process for

The Ballad of You:

Directions: Today in class you will all be writing a ballad: A short narrative poem that tells a story and is usually set to music. To make this interesting, the ballad that you make will be about another student in class, based primarily on a short interview that you have with them today in class.

Step 1: The Interview:

Please generate 10 questions to ask and record their answer. These will be the foundation of your ballad:

1. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

2. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

3. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

4.Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

5. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

6. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

7. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

8. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

9. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

10. Your Question:

Their Detailed response:

Part 2: The Things They Carry….

Describe in detail 5 items that are on them right now. Please use detailed description. Do not just say it is a pen. Describe it in as much detail as you can.






Step 3, The Ballad of….

Write a 25-30 line folk ballad on the person that you interviewed and the information that you collected about them. Please begin this with the following and keep it in the 3rd person at all times:

There once was a boy named Joe that……

Step 3: Perform these in front of the class 

Monday, September 17, 2012

World of Shakespeare:


No journal prompt today.

We took a quiz on Act II

I gave a lightning fast lecture on the things that we do know about Shakespeare.

We broke into groups made a facebook page for Will using the information on his life as posts.  (Yes, I am using your interest in social media against you.)

Hamlet Lines were due today.  We only were able to sneak in a few.  Everyone will go on Tuesday.

Brit Lit:

Journal #6: Please describe what your weekend was like in a page.

We went to the computer lab and finished your Hero's Quest paper.  These were due today.  You are reminded that you will continue to loose a letter grade for each day any major assignment is late.  Please see me if you have any questions.

Word of the week:

Murdrum: (MUR-drum) Noun.  The killing of someone in a secret manner.


111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

Friday, September 14, 2012

32 sec Hamlet Sample 2

Shakespeare Sample

Brit Lit:


I passed back your Beowulf quizzes. These were mixed: either you read and have been paying attention, or not.  The grades reflected this. 

We watched the film version of Beowulf and again talked about the Hero's Quest and how the full story follows this.  On Monday, we will again return to the computer lab to finish your papers.  Please use this weekend to refine your outline and draft.  Some of you may wish to watch the movie that you are writing about as a re-fresher.

World of Shakespeare:


I passed back your 1st quizzes.

We looked at the Mil Gibson version of Hamlet.

I assigned an extra credit challenge to those willing to read their lines as a character.

HW:  Your 10 Hamlet lines are due to be recited this Monday.  A reminder that this is a test grade, so please be diligent.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Some sample work....


Feels Like Monday:
There will be an informational meeting after-school Tuesday, September 18 in room 3115.  I would love to see loads of new faces (and old).  We will be meeting from 2-3 to discuss the future of the club.

In the meantime, please check out to see the 22 episodes that we made over the past 2 years.  You might see some familur faces and places.....



We began with a prompt to connect you to Hamlet:

Journal #6:  Describe a moment when you deceived your parent or guardian.  A moment when you knew that it was wrong, but you did it anyway.  What was the final outcome?  Would you do it again the same way?  What did you learn from the experience?

32 seconds.  We performed all of the events in the play in exactly 32 seconds. This forced you to discuss the most important moments and review the play so far.

We acted out Act 2, sc3.

HW:  Finish Act 2, sc 3-4.
Continue learning your Hamlet lines.  These are due Monday.

Brit Lit:


We went over how to use transitional thoughts, words, and phrases to improve your writing.  I gave you a hand out on suggestions to improve your writing. This would be a great thing to hold onto and use in your other classes as well.

We worked on your Hero's Quest paper. These are now due at the end of class on Monday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

World of Bill:


Journal #5:  Please cast all of the parts in Act I with well known celebrities, and explain why you cast them in that role.

We talked about costumes, set construction, hidden meanings, and phrases like drabbing.

We started Act 2

HW:  Learn your Hamlet lines.  Read Act 2, sc 2.

Brit Lit

A Block:  Journal Prompt #5:  If life was a movie.... Imagine that they are making your life into a movie.  Please describe 5 people that are famous that you would cast to play the people in your lives.  For each, please explain specifically why you picked them.  1 page

We took a quiz on Beowulf.

We went to the computer lab to type your 1st draft of your paper.

C Block:

Same prompt for your journal.

We defined a folk ballad.

We looked at why stories began to rhyme and use a meter.

We Read:  Sir Patrick Spens, Get Up and Bar the Door

We broke into small groups and made your own folk ballad following the characteristics that we define in our group discussions.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

World of Shakespeare


No journal prompt.

We reviewed act 1 in Hamlet.

We defined the following terms:

Suspension of disbelief

We ran short on time and did not take a quiz.  Please look over act 1 for HW and be ready for a quick quiz first thing tomorrow.

Brit Lit:

No journal today.  We started talking about your memories of September 11.

We watched the last 15 minutes of the Hero With a Thousand Faces documentary.

We went over how to write a strong, clear thesis statement.

We worked on the outline for your first paper.  Please make sure that you have this Wed., as we will be typing your first draft in the computer lab.

Block C review your HW reading and took a quiz on Beowulf.  Block A should expect a quiz Wed.

Monday, September 10, 2012

World of Shakespeare:


Journal #4:  The play Hamlet begins with the line:  Who's there?  Please write a 15 line scene, where each line only has 2 words per line, between 2-3 different characters.

We used the movie Shakespeare in Love to show some of what William Shakespeare might have been like while writing Romeo and Juliet.

HW:  Please Read Act 1 in Hamlet.  Hamlet lines are now officially assigned and due next Monday.  This will be a test grade.

Brit Lit Paper outline form:

The Hero’s Quest

Over the last week, we have looked at the classical definition of a hero. Specifically, we discussed the research and findings of Joseph Campbell. He believed that mythology was our one single truth as humans, and these stories connected us all in a very deep and spiritual way.

In a 3-4 page traditional 5 paragraph typed paper, please take a popular movie, play, or novel, and examine how it fits Campbell’s classical definition. Please use the sheet that I gave you on this. You may pick any hero that you feel fits this mold, however, here are some suggestions that would work well: Pinocchio, Dumbo, Star Wars (1st 3), the Matrix, The Lion King, Indiana Jones, Batman, Harry Potter

Your paper needs to have a clear thesis and you must use solid examples in your body to answer the question.

Please use the following outline to help you formulate your ideas:

Opening Paragraph

Your Thesis:

Example: Many stories in literature are often influenced by stories and writers before them. In the movie Star Wars, we are told the story of a Young Luke Skywalker, and follow his quest into outer space on his way to defining himself and finding the hero inside him. The movie Star Wars follows the traditional hero’s quest.

Main body paragraph 1:

Transition sentence:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Main body paragraph 2:

Transition sentence:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Main body paragraph 3:

Transition sentence:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3


Closing wrap up. Here you re-state your thesis statement.

Final Due:________________

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt #4:  Newsprint is a dying art form.  In my opinion, Newspapers help keep us honest in a democracy.  Please read 4 articles from the Wall Street Journal.  In your journal, please explain what each article is about, and more importantly, what YOUR opinion is on what you read.  One page.

I assigned your first paper.  Please complete the outline and be ready to work on your 1st draft this Wed.  We will be working on these in the computer lab this Wed. and Thur.  Your final paper is due this Friday.  Please see me with any questions.

I showed you the documentary The Hero's Journey.  Although the fashion and quality were both dated, I hope that it was a good supplement to the notes that I gave you.

HW:  Please read Beowulf in your Anthology.  Please be ready for a surprise quiz on Tuesday.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Today:  Journal Prompt #3:  Describe the rise and eventual fall of a person/company/event/a song.  Why do we enjoy watching the fall?  Why do we slow down and watch an accident?  1 page.

This led us to our intro on Shakespeare and his version of a tragedy.  We defined a Shakespearean Tragedy.  These are important reference notes.  Please make sure that you understand it fully.  We will be referencing it often during our look at the tragedies.

I broke you into 4 groups and asked you to model the final moment of suspense.  I will try and post some of these on the blog.

Brit Lit:


Journal Prompt #3:  Please describe a moment where you helped someone without looking for any recognition.  A random act of kindness moment.  1 page.

We went over the Hero's Quest, and used examples from many popular movies: Jaws, Lord of the Rings, Batman, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc...

I broke you into small groups and asked you to brainstorm on how a specific movie follows this formula.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

World of Shakespeare:

We began class with:
Journal Prompt #2:  Please describe your experience with Shakespeare.  1/2 page.

We went down to the auditorium and did a series of acting games.  It was great to see you all laughing and smiling in school.

HW:  Please look over your reading from last night.  Please be ready for a short quiz on your reading.

Brit Lit:


We started with journal prompt #2:  If you could choose three super powers, what would they be and how would you use them?    1 page.

We defined the classical hero.  We looked at our need for a hero, and why we are always waiting for superman.  We discussed people that might be modern heroes.

I introduced you to Joseph Cambell and his book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces.  I gave you a handout in preparation for your fist paper.  We went over the basic concepts of the Hero's journey.

We looked at Star Wars and other popular stories that follow this formula.

HW:  Please find a movie/book that follows this formula and be prepared to explain how it follows the outline that you were given.
Here's some advice Bill Gates recently dished out at a high school speech about 11 things they did not learn in school.


Life is not fair - get used to it.


The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world

will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel

good about yourself.


You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out

of high school. You won't be a vice president with

car phone, until you earn both.


If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a

boss. He doesn't have tenure.


Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your

grandparents had a different word for burger flipping


called it Opportunity.


If you mess up,it's not your parents' fault, so don't

whine about your mistakes, learn from them.


Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as

they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,

cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about

how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest

from the parasites of your parent's generation, try

delousing the closet in your own room.


Your school may have done away with winners and losers,

but life has not. In some schools they have abolished

failing grades and they'll give you as many times as

you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the

slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.


Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get

summers off and very few employers are interested in

helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.


Television is NOT real life. In real life people

actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.


Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

World of Shakespeare:


We started class with our 1st journal Prompt:

#1  Pick a character from your reading last night and write from their perspective.  Please describe a typical day in their life.

We watched a clip from the National Endowment for the Arts on why Shakespeare is important.

We looked at some words and phrases that we thing Shakespeare coined.

HW:  Please read pgs. 17-47 Order in the Court:  The Renaissance
Please wear compfortable outfits for class on Thursday.  We will be doing some warm ups that require you to move around.

Brit Lit:


I passed out books and we tracked down old writing journals.

We wrote our 1st Journal Prompt:

Journal Prompt #1:  Write an original creation story.  1 page.

We defined the Oral Tradition of storytelling, and explored the fundamental problems.

We defined a Lyric Poem and discussed The Seafarer

Black A:  Read above story for HW.  Page 17.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Vader Waves Goodbye...

Vader slideshow:
Vader Slideshow

Thanks guys!  Feel free to share.  M.P took all pictures, I just cleaned them up :-)  Thanks M.

It was a pleasure being your teacher this year.  Find a tree and read a good book.  Try it. You may begin to love reading.  Have a great Summer!


Vader slideshow:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Brit Lit:

We took your final exam today.

HW:  Have a wonderful Summer.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We took the final exam today.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brit Lit:

I gave you the final exam review sheet
Reminder:  You may use one page of notes.

I collected any late journals, books, late paper, etc...

You need a locker clean out pass to take the final.  Please make sure that you have that with you.


We finished  Anonymous.  What did you think?
We worked on the review sheet for the final.
I collected any late journals, missed quizzes, etc.

For the final you need:
All books passed in
Locker clean out pass
One page of notes.

We are almost there- end strong!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Shakespeare Review Sheet:

The World of Shakespeare: Final Exam Review Sheet 2012

We read the following: Othello, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew, The Twelfth Night, sonnets.

The following prompts are possible questions to consider (hint, hint):

#1 Examine the relationship in terms of a timeline between Desdemona and Othello. Please make sure to examine the end of their relationship, and how specifically Othello believes she has not been faithful. Examine how 4 characters other than Othello are directly, or indirectly responsible for the tragic ending.

#2 Please explain the ending of the 12th Night. Did true love prevail? Were you satisfied with the ending? Why or Why not? Please use specific details in your response.

#3 Talk about what makes a Shakespearian tragedy. Please examine one tragedy in your study group and discuss how it fits the definition.

#4 Please define the following literary devices that Shakespeare uses:

Alliteration, simile, metaphor, reversed word, reversed sentence construction, classical allusion, personification, suspension of disbelief, aside, using language to show class and status in the play. You should have three examples of each term and be ready to explain how they are used.

#5 Character can be defined by how one handles power. Look at 3 characters and discuss how well they handled power.

#6 Discuss the use of comedy in his plays. What ideas and specific plays hold up well and still make us laugh. Please use 3 specific scenes in your discussions.

7. Love, and the quest for love are important themes in many of Shakespeare’s plays. Please examine three relationships and explain in detail how they played out in specific detail using the 3 of the following plays: The 12th Night, Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello.

#8 Define a Shakespearian Sonnet. What did his sonnets reveal about him that his plays may not have? Pick a sonnet and be familiar enough with it that you could reference it in an answer. Be prepared to write an original sonnet about this class that follows the rules and rhyme pattern of a sonnet. You might wish to write this before the exam and have it on your page of notes.

Brit Lit:

I collected your journals.  If you did not pass it in, it is now late.  Please do so ASAP.

We defined the many Themes in 1984.

We discussed propaganda.  I showed you a few examples from the cold war: both American and Russian propaganda videos.  Why are we so easily led?

I gave you a final review sheet.  Please begin to study.

Read pgs 183-256 for HW



I gave you your final exam review sheet.  Please begin to review.

We looked at "e Good and the Badde"  Sterotypes of women from 1616

We talked about the stereotypes of women in 1616, and I asked you to find evidence of each in the play.

We finished the movie (30 Min.)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Brit Lit:


We took a quiz on 1984.

We went to the computer lab to type the final draft of your Room 101 paper.

HW:  I will be collecting your journals this Friday.  Please make sure that you have all the prompts completed.  Read to pg 201 in 1984



We took a quiz held over from yesterday on act 2.  We reviewed act 3.

We finished the Zeffirelli version of the play.

HW:  Please read act 4. 

Remember: always end in greatness.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Brit Lit:

Today:  Each group presented their Utopia.  We talked about the pros and cons of each world.

For your journal prompt, I asked you to place yourself into one of these perfect worlds, and explain in 1 page how you might attempt to destroy it.

We defined dystopia.  We looked closer at the world of 1984 and talked about the dystopian images in the novel.

We watched scenes from Blade Runner to help visualize the concept.

Question:  Why can't humans produce a perfect peaceful world?

HW:  Please read to 183.



We talked about your HW questions for Act II.

We watched the Elizabeth Taylor version of Taming of the Shrew.

HW:  Please read Act III.  The Act II quiz was moved until Thursday- so also look over act 2.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Brit Lit:

We talked about room 101. 

You wrote the 1st draft of your room 101 paper.  Final copy is due Friday.

You were given a utopia, and you needed to describe how you would overthrow their perfect world.  1 page.

HW:  Please read to pg 122 in 1984.


Today:  I broke you into small groups and asked you to cast for The Twelfth Night with a modern cast.

We looked at the cast for Taming of the Shrew

We watched Sir Alec Guinness, the original Ben Kenobi, star in the Twelfth Night.  My inner nerd is glowing...

HW:  Read act 1 in Shrew.  Please be ready for a quiz Tuesday.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Brit Lit:


We looked at propaganda.  Why is it that we are so easy to be manipulated?

I showed the movie:  A Film Unfinished.  We looked at how the Nazi party used fake shots in the Warsaw Ghetto in this recently discovered lost film.



You finished writing your last paper of the year.

I gave you our last play- a comic classic: The Taming of the Shrew.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brit Lit


We watched a made for tv movie based on the true life story of The Wave.

Journal Prompt:  How did the teacher gain control over their minds and actions?

I gave you an excerpt from the teacher's explanation for the classroom experiment.


We went to the computer lab and worked on your parody paper.  This is due Friday

HW:  Please finish act 5

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

12th Night Silent Film Samples:       Group 2              Group 1

Brit Lit:

Journal Prompt:  If you could take any song and make it true for you, what would it be and WHY    1 page

We took an 8 frame "cartoon quiz" on pg 1-105.

We closed the book on your Utopia project.  Each person/group were given another perfect world, and you were asked to destroy it.  How would you destroy the rule and order?

HW:  Read 105-120 in 1984.

Room 101 Paper:

Room 101 Paper

Imagine that you are a worker in the world of 1984. You have been caught by the thought police for one of the many "crimes" in the novel. Please explain the situation around your arrest, and then describe the "after".

What is your room 101? What would your greatest fear be, and how would it be used to reform your thoughts?

2 typed pages (500 words)  Due June 15th